[8.24.1]Pink ward, my enemy (Still editing)
(Last updated on December 5, 2018)
Views 5.4K
[8.24.1]Pink ward, my enemy (Still editing)
(Last updated on December 5, 2018)
Views 5.4K
so you go instead.
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)
Evelynn is as strong as a scuttler in the river when she is below level 6. Don't try to fight enemy jungler before level 6. you are going to get Fked by them. She even lose to Nunu damn it
Therefore, you need to level up as soon as possible until level 6, then you gank other lane as much as you couldnt before level 6. I think that is the best strategy for Eveylnn to use at this point.
Although Jungler is not a hand-busy role, it is a brain-busy role. You need to think while having those jungle camp. When you think your game is a zoo where you cant find human beings playing this game, tell them what to do. For example, those who hugs tower and having a deep frech kiss with tower at the start of a game until 1:30, espcially those top solo-ers, tell them to ward enemy jungle camp. this is really important guys. When you know where did the other jungler started one's jungle route, you can assume which lane would enemy jungler ganks. And Junglers, ping your way. dont just go. Ping and Communicate. There are many tips on youtube for what to do for junglers. WATCH THEM
Unless your opponent jungler is an ape who are not human being playing this game, ward your jungle. WARD WARD WARD! Why do you think people use map cheat for starcraft? you needa vision! you need to know what enemy jungler is doing! Buy Pink Ward! Pink ward is not bound to supports.
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