[8.18.2]A full guide on ekko mid
(Last updated on September 20, 2018)
Views 5.2K
[8.18.2]A full guide on ekko mid
(Last updated on September 20, 2018)
Views 5.2K
Just dodge his Q with your E then you should be fine
This is a win or lose match up, depends really on how good the gangplank is. But as soon you get a lead on him, you should absolutly stomp him
Just break his shield with your Q or W then go all in, if you don't have a lead before 6 get a QSS. Should be a super easy match up
You will get poken out of lane before hitting 6, but after should be an easy lane
Ekko's ult counters his, just don't get bursted by his passive+ignite early then you should be fine after you get ult
He does have some poke and hard CC but you should outscale him mid game
A skill match up but Ekko has the adcantage. After he uses his windwall you can go all in
Not so easy at the start, but you outscale her to the point where you can one shot her
Due to his recent root nerf, you will have a better lane against him
You are quite even at lane, but you outscale her. This matchup is dependent on who casts ult last
Diana has lower burst than you do but her overall dps is higher + she has her shield + E everytime you trade, making it really hard in lane
Akali is just broken, everytime you go in for a trade she will just smoke and wait out your E and passive
After changing LB to how she was before almost makes it impossible for you to win lane, but you do outscale her if you can get to late
He just has more lane sustain than you, making you have to back first making the lane more in his favor
His E makes him almost everytime win the trades + his ultimate is lower cooldown than yours
I'm a Ekko otp who has been playing him since release, i hit Diamond 3 55lp on EUW during preseason 8.
Ekko has a lot of favourable or decent match ups in the meta right now, and he is the only assassin who can go hyper aggressive without dying due to his
Because Ekko is a melee champion in the mid lane he will have a hard time farming and getting poked out of lane, but after an item or 2 you will hit your spike where you can start one shotting squishies.
His bread and butter combo is
Hi and welcome to my guide!
I'm an Ekko otp from EUW hitting diamond 3 during preseason 8. I've played Ekko since release and i've been playing since season 1 and i find him being the most fun champion to play in league, escpecially when he got a Ooops button as his ultimate making him far more aggressive than any other champion.
This is a small guide for anyone wanting to learn Ekko and his match ups and if you have any questions just post it in the comments and i'll try to respond
Before we get to how to play this bad boy let's talk about why you should play him instead of champions that are similiar like
Like any other melee champions mid lane you are going to get bullied by the enemy laner.
At lvl 1 you want the wave be pushing against you making it you hit lvl 2 before the enemy, at lvl 2 you want to upgrade
using yourWhen you learn
Mid game, if you have
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