[8.9.1]From Bronze to Platinum - Win Rate 70.8%
(Last updated on May 10, 2018)
Views 4.0K
[8.9.1]From Bronze to Platinum - Win Rate 70.8%
(Last updated on May 10, 2018)
Views 4.0K
She gets hit by all the skills and basic attacks. 2v2 is overly advantageous but not 1v1. Don’t try to fight 1v1 against her.
There are many Kleptomancy Ezreals now, just hit him using basic attacks because your attack range is longer. Caitlyn is perfect to play against Ezreal.
When you meet MF, hit her once in a while with basic attack to cut her W passive movement speed. When she pushes the lane to the tower, put up your traps in front and hit her when she tries to kill the minions.
Varus Ult range = Caitlyn Q range.
You need to stomp on Varus from the early game. If he buys Guinsoo, you won’t even be able to put up a proper fight.
Caitlyn’s E isn’t that good of an evading skill so even if you predict Leona’s E or R, you get hit. I always start by banning Leona.
Beware of his grab.
Everything goes well with Caitlyn.
Just choose Runes according to the situation.
Personally, I use only 1 rune page.
It’s convenient when you want just want to switch the main rune from Fleet Footwork to Lethal Tempo.
Triumph is essential for all Precision champions.
Legendary: Alacrity vs Bloodline
Alacrity is a lot better; the attack speed is totally different.
Coup de Grace
Shut up and pick this.
Sorcery is used instead of Domination.
I usually pick Celerity and Gathering Storm because I aim at the late game.
The most important part of Caitlyn is enduring the early game.
If you can dominate the opponent with outrageous mechanics from the beginning, it’s alright to pick domination.
Most Caitlyn users know the combo,
but when you’re planning to run away after dealing damage, it’s better to use before , playing .
With Precision at level 3, if you hit -[Caught in trap]- combo, at least 80% of the opponent ADC’s HP will evaporate. If they avoid the trap, it’s just hitting just -basic attack with a bit of mana wasted.
If you mix , it’s easier to evade coming after so you should shoot predicting your opponent’s movement.
You should master against . You can watch them step on your and struggle until they die.
Against , don’t lay in the lane, but put them in the three-way or in front of the drake pit to prevent ganks.
When you place traps at Revivals , Twisted Fate’s Ult , Galio’s Ult , Teleport etc it’s really fun.
When there are many global-moving champions, master
Starting Items
Core Items
→ → → → → → →
If you think the laning phase will be hard to endure, go with otherwise, buy .
Caitlyn is very weak against most AD champions in the early game. Think of taking half and half.
1st Core item .
The game becomes much easier if you buy first. In most situations, go with and . If the game gets disadvantageous, go with – – .
I do not recommend
3rd Core
Personally, I go with these three items no matter what, regardless our team does good or bad.
I’m sure there are people who felt that catharsis when + + + + all come out in one shot. This is why I play Caitlyn.
4th Core: Random
Buy whatever you want. Whatever I write, you’ll end up buying what you want, right?
From the 4th core and on, buy what you think is best on playing against your current opponents.
Surprise the opponents by shooting headshots at them and put up traps in brushes where opponents try to enter the brush. Warding is also very important.
Early game
Caitlyn is very weak in the early game (in my opinion).
Keep out of trouble before you buy
. You'll be paying for each and every time you die during the laning phase. If you feed too much in the early game, it’s good to master first to put traps in the brushes and the jungle.Mid Game
You can put in more pressure if your trap is about Lv.4. Bother your opponents with your traps.
Put up your traps where your opponents put their wards or in brushes where the opponent takes a detour.
Late Game
Even if you’ve scaled well, avoid being alone. Always stay with an ally champion.
In the late game, always put up two traps each in the front and back of where you are.
The last one is for the champions who try to approach you.
Role during Teamfights
When teamfights get initiated, go with W-Basic-W-Basic-W-Basic… and start kiting.
If you start putting up your traps, it helps when the opponents chase you or when they run away.
I used to be Bronze tier, so I know what the problem is for those of you who are in a low tier. If you want to go up, you need to change your mindset. If you did bad, just simply apologize.
You don’t get good by just playing a lot. The difference comes from how much you’ve understood the macro game and how much you know about the characteristics of the champions.
▲ Season 8 Caitlyn win rate 70.8%
▲ Although it should be completely different playing against Challenger players,
I'm quite proud that my stats are around that of Challenger players.
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