[8.18.2]Detailed Top Lane Aatrox Guide (explained gameplay, abilities at the bottom)
(Last updated on September 22, 2018)
Views 7.5K
[8.18.2]Detailed Top Lane Aatrox Guide (explained gameplay, abilities at the bottom)
(Last updated on September 22, 2018)
Views 7.5K
Sion is easy match-up for Aatrox because:
1. You can dodge Sion's abilities using your E.
2. You can "abuse" his Q channel and hit an easy Q (and possibly interrupt his charge as well.)
3. You can reduce his Shield using your Passive.
Cho'gath is a good match-up for Aatrox because:
1. Aatrox can match Cho'gath's sustain and he can actually out-sustain him too.
2. You can dodge his Q easily (unless you're silenced).
3. You can chain him with W and he can't escape it because he's very immobile.
4. You can counter his Ult using yours If you time it correctly.
Aatrox is good against illaoi because:
1. You can poke her from distance (which is Illaoi's weakness).
2. You can dodge her Q and E using your dash.
3. You can all-in her and force her to use her Ultimate without dying because of your Ultimate. When you revive, her Ultimate is gonna be over and you can then easily shut her down.
4. You can escape from trades by chaining her with your W. She can't escape it reliable because she's pretty immobile.
Darius ia a bit harder to deal with because if you mess up only once and give him some advantage, he can use it to take over the whole laning phase.
What you should be doing against Darius is NEVER go in his melee range and poke him from distance.
If Darius has Ghost available then you should be extremely careful and never leave yourself exposed to potential engage.
Riven is a bit harder to deal with because of her strong mobility, but winning lane against her is definitely possible.
What you should do against her is try to take short trades into your advantage. You should play around her cooldowns, try to hit her when she doesn't have any mobility available and counter her instant engage and burst with your ultimate.
What makes Yorick a good pick against Aatrox is that he can abuse the very long cooldown of Aatrox's E with his W. Also, Aatrox can't kill Yorick's Ghouls very fast because most of his damage is AoE (which makes him deal reduced damage) and his Q has 3 big delays that make him exposed to the Ghouls' damage.
Akali is a hard match-up for Aatrox because she can dodge all his abilities with her mobility and take all trades into her advantage.
Although Aatrox's abilities are not targeted, she can still dodge them in her shroud because of her Passive and W bonus speed.
What you should do against Akali as Aatrox is try to dodge her E using your dash and try to take trades into your advantage as much as possible.
You can also rush Null-Magic Mantle for some early magic damage reduction.
What makes Volibear strong against Aatrox is that he can force Aatrox to trade with him because of his strong engage tools. Also, you can very easily escape Aatrox's engage because he's pretty immobile.
What you should do against Volibear is play more safe than usual and keep extra distance so that you can be prepared to react to his engage.
Garen is very similar to Volibear. They both have strong engage tools and can escape Aatrox's W easily or abuse his long E cooldown early game. Garen can make Aatrox completely vulnerable and unable to do anything at any time because of his silence.
Also if you "die" early in your Ultimate as Aatrox, Garen can deal massive damage to you with his Ultimate when you revive because of the missing health scaling.
Fiora is a nightmare to deal with as Aatrox. Aatrox's Q and W are very telegraphed and Fiora can very easily Parry them. She can also dodge all your abilities and abuse your long E Cooldown with her short CD mobility.
What you should do as Aatrox is completely play around her W and avoid long trades. Bait her W, go for some poke and immediately run back to safety.
Passive: Your passive is something very important you should play around. When you go in for trades, always try to use full potential of your passive (time it to reduce heals/shields). You should also play around the cooldown reduction mechanic (autoattack first before using abilities and use your Qs out of combat if possible).
Q: Always use it to poke the Enemy and NEVER use it on minions early game (unless it helps you freeze the wave, which is a bit more advanced). Late game you should go try to use your Q to CC the enemy team and leave them exposed to your team.
Q-Flash combo is something very important you should learn to do. You start your Q and while channeling it you flash in a certain direction. With good practice and execution it has pretty much no counterplay.
Also you should remember than your Q is your biggest source of damage so try to use it to full potential and don't use it mindlessly because you're leaving yourself heavily exposed.W: This ability is decent in the laning phase (it has some dmg and CC), but it's strongest at late game. It's extremely strong tool to catch enemies off guard and secure easy kills if they don't manage to escape it.
E: This ability is a key part of your combos throughout the whole game. You can experiment some combos with it (such as Q-E-W E-W-Q). The passive is really strong as well. Although the heal is not heavily noticable, you heal A LOT over time.
Ultimate: A HUGE reason Aatrox is such a good pick in all elos is his Ultimate. It's really good because whenever you are about to die, you can just press it and get a free out-of-jail card to escape bad situations.
A very big mistake some Aatrox players do is that they don't use the Ultimate effectively in the late game. What you should do is use it as soon as the teamfight starts, charge into the Enemy team and tank all damage while heavily CCing and damaging them. Even if you are behind, you can still tank all Enemy abilities and still not die because of your Revive.
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