Singedthe Mad Chemist

  • 4

    Attack Power

  • 8

    Defense Power

  • 7

    Abillity Power

  • 5


Champion Statics

STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18 STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 650(+96) 2282 Mana 330(+45) 1095
Hp Regen 9.5(+0.55) 18.85 Mana Regen 7.5(+0.55) 16.85
Attackdamage 63(+3.4) 120.8 Armor 34(+4.2) 105.4
Attack Speed - - Magic Resist 32(+2.05) 66.85
Attack Ranged 125 125 Movement Speed 345 345
STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 650(+96) 2282
HP Regen
(per 5sec)
9.5(+0.55) 18.85
Attack Damage 63(+3.4) 120.8
Attack Speed - -
Attack Ranged 125 125
Mana 330(+45) 1095
Mana Regen
(per 5sec)
7.5(+0.55) 16.85
Armor 34(+4.2) 105.4
Magic Resist 32(+2.05) 66.85
Movement Speed 345 345

Champion Skill

  • Noxious Slipstream

    [ Passive ]

    Singed drafts off nearby champions, gaining a burst of Move Speed when passing them.

  • Poison Trail

    [ Q ]
    • COST: 13 Mana per Second
    • COOL TIME:
    • RANGE: 20

    Leaves a trail of poison behind Singed, dealing damage to enemies caught in the path.

  • Mega Adhesive

    [ W ]
    • COST: 60/70/80/90/100
    • COOL TIME: 17/16/15/14/13
    • RANGE: 1000

    Throws a vial of mega adhesive on the ground, slowing and grounding enemies who walk on it.

  • Fling

    [ E ]
    • COST: 60/70/80/90/100
    • COOL TIME: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
    • RANGE: 125

    Damages target enemy unit and flings them into the air behind Singed. If the target Singed flings lands in his Mega Adhesive, they are also rooted.

  • Insanity Potion

    [ R ]
    • COST: 100
    • COOL TIME: 100
    • RANGE: 20

    Singed drinks a potent brew of chemicals, granting him increased combat stats, and making his Poison Trail apply Grievous Wounds.

Basic Skin

Champion's Story

Singed is a brilliant alchemist of dubious morality, whose experiments would turn the stomach of even the most cutthroat criminal. Selling his skills to the highest bidder, he cares little for how his noxious concoctions are used, with the ensuing chaos an experiment in itself. His most infamous work is “shimmer”, which enabled the chembarons to turn Zaun into their personal playground—but fueled by madness, Singed is always working on something new, with each endeavor more depraved than the last...

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