MonkeyKingthe Monkey King

  • 8

    Attack Power

  • 5

    Defense Power

  • 2

    Abillity Power

  • 3


Champion Statics

STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18 STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 610(+99) 2293 Mana 330(+65) 1435
Hp Regen 3.5(+0.65) 14.55 Mana Regen 8(+0.8) 21.6
Attackdamage 66(+3.5) 125.5 Armor 31(+4.7) 110.9
Attack Speed - - Magic Resist 28(+2.05) 62.85
Attack Ranged 175 175 Movement Speed 340 340
STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 610(+99) 2293
HP Regen
(per 5sec)
3.5(+0.65) 14.55
Attack Damage 66(+3.5) 125.5
Attack Speed - -
Attack Ranged 175 175
Mana 330(+65) 1435
Mana Regen
(per 5sec)
8(+0.8) 21.6
Armor 31(+4.7) 110.9
Magic Resist 28(+2.05) 62.85
Movement Speed 340 340

Champion Skill

  • Stone Skin

    [ Passive ]

    Wukong gains stacking armor and max health regeneration while fighting champions and monsters.

  • Crushing Blow

    [ Q ]
    • COST: 20
    • COOL TIME: 8/7.5/7/6.5/6
    • RANGE: 250/275/300/325/350

    Wukong's next attack gains attack range, deals bonus damage, and reduces the target's armor for a few seconds.

  • Warrior Trickster

    [ W ]
    • COST: 60/55/50/45/40
    • COOL TIME: 20/19/18/17/16
    • RANGE: 275

    Wukong becomes Invisible and dashes in a direction, leaving behind a clone that will attack nearby enemies.

  • Nimbus Strike

    [ E ]
    • COST: 30/35/40/45/50
    • COOL TIME: 10/9.25/8.5/7.75/7
    • RANGE: 650

    Wukong dashes to a targeted enemy and sends out images to attack enemies near his target, dealing damage to each enemy struck.

  • Cyclone

    [ R ]
    • COST: 100
    • COOL TIME: 130/110/90
    • RANGE: 315

    Wukong's extends his staff and spins it around repeatedly, gaining Move Speed.

    Enemies struck take damage and are knocked up.

Basic Skin

Champion's Story

Wukong is a vastayan trickster who uses his strength, agility, and intelligence to confuse his opponents and gain the upper hand. After finding a lifelong friend in the warrior known as Master Yi, Wukong became the last student of the ancient martial art known as Wuju. Armed with an enchanted staff, Wukong seeks to prevent Ionia from falling to ruin.

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