Lissandrathe Ice Witch

  • 2

    Attack Power

  • 5

    Defense Power

  • 8

    Abillity Power

  • 6


Champion Statics

STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18 STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 620(+110) 2490 Mana 475(+30) 985
Hp Regen 7(+0.55) 16.35 Mana Regen 8(+0.4) 14.8
Attackdamage 55(+2.7) 100.9 Armor 22(+4.9) 105.3
Attack Speed - - Magic Resist 30(+1.3) 52.1
Attack Ranged 550 550 Movement Speed 325 325
STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 620(+110) 2490
HP Regen
(per 5sec)
7(+0.55) 16.35
Attack Damage 55(+2.7) 100.9
Attack Speed - -
Attack Ranged 550 550
Mana 475(+30) 985
Mana Regen
(per 5sec)
8(+0.4) 14.8
Armor 22(+4.9) 105.3
Magic Resist 30(+1.3) 52.1
Movement Speed 325 325

Champion Skill

  • Iceborn Subjugation

    [ Passive ]

    When an enemy champion dies near Lissandra they become a Frozen Thrall. Frozen Thralls slow nearby enemies and then, after a delay, shatter from the intense cold, dealing magic damage to nearby targets.

  • Ice Shard

    [ Q ]
    • COST: 55/60/65/70/75
    • COOL TIME: 8/7/6/5/4
    • RANGE: 725

    Throws a spear of ice that shatters when it hits an enemy, dealing magic damage and slowing Move Speed. Shards pass through the target, dealing the same damage to other enemies hit.

  • Ring of Frost

    [ W ]
    • COST: 40
    • COOL TIME: 10/9.5/9/8.5/8
    • RANGE: 450

    Freezes nearby enemies in ice, dealing magic damage and rooting them.

  • Glacial Path

    [ E ]
    • COST: 80/85/90/95/100
    • COOL TIME: 24/21/18/15/12
    • RANGE: 1050

    Lissandra creates an ice claw that deals magic damage. Reactivating this ability transports Lissandra to the claw's current location.

  • Frozen Tomb

    [ R ]
    • COST: 100
    • COOL TIME: 120/100/80
    • RANGE: 550

    If cast on an enemy champion, the target is frozen solid, stunning it. If cast on Lissandra, she encases herself in dark ice, healing herself while becoming untargetable and invulnerable. Dark ice then emanates from the target dealing magic damage to enemies and slowing Move Speed.

Basic Skin

Champion's Story

Lissandra's magic twists the pure power of ice into something dark and terrible. With the force of her black ice, she does more than freeze—she impales and crushes those who oppose her. To the terrified denizens of the north, she is known only as ''The Ice Witch.'' The truth is much more sinister: Lissandra is a corruptor of nature who plots to unleash an ice age on the world.

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