Gragasthe Rabble Rouser

  • 4

    Attack Power

  • 7

    Defense Power

  • 6

    Abillity Power

  • 5


Champion Statics

STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18 STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 640(+115) 2595 Mana 400(+47) 1199
Hp Regen 5.5(+0.5) 14 Mana Regen 6(+0.8) 19.6
Attackdamage 64(+3.5) 123.5 Armor 38(+5) 123
Attack Speed - - Magic Resist 32(+2.05) 66.85
Attack Ranged 125 125 Movement Speed 330 330
STAT / LEVEL LV.1 (+per LV up) LV.18
Health 640(+115) 2595
HP Regen
(per 5sec)
5.5(+0.5) 14
Attack Damage 64(+3.5) 123.5
Attack Speed - -
Attack Ranged 125 125
Mana 400(+47) 1199
Mana Regen
(per 5sec)
6(+0.8) 19.6
Armor 38(+5) 123
Magic Resist 32(+2.05) 66.85
Movement Speed 330 330

Champion Skill

  • Happy Hour

    [ Passive ]

    Gragas periodically heals upon using a skill.

  • Barrel Roll

    [ Q ]
    • COST: 80
    • COOL TIME: 10/9/8/7/6
    • RANGE: 850

    Gragas rolls his cask to a location, which can be activated to explode or will explode on its own after 4 seconds. The potency of the explosion increases over time. Enemies struck by the blast have their Move Speed slowed.

  • Drunken Rage

    [ W ]
    • COST: 30
    • COOL TIME: 5
    • RANGE: 20

    Gragas guzzles down brew from his cask for 1 second. After finishing, he becomes drunkenly empowered, dealing magic damage to all nearby enemies on his next basic attack and reducing damage received.

  • Body Slam

    [ E ]
    • COST: 50
    • COOL TIME: 14/13.5/13/12.5/12
    • RANGE: 600

    Gragas charges to a location and collides with the first enemy unit he comes across, dealing damage to all nearby enemy units and stunning them.

  • Explosive Cask

    [ R ]
    • COST: 100
    • COOL TIME: 100/85/70
    • RANGE: 1000

    Gragas hurls his cask to a location, dealing damage and knocking back enemies caught in the blast radius.

Basic Skin

Champion's Story

Equal parts jolly and imposing, Gragas is a massive, rowdy brewmaster on his own quest for the perfect pint of ale. Hailing from parts unknown, he now searches for rare ingredients among the unblemished wastes of the Freljord, trying each recipe as he goes. Often intoxicated and extremely impulsive, he is legendary for the brawls he starts, which often end in all-night parties and widespread property damage. Any appearance from Gragas must surely foreshadow drinking and destruction—in that order.

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