The 2019 KeSPA Cup's previously cancelled English broadcast was revived just before the beginning of the event, casters Max "Atlus" Anderson, Brendon "Valdes" Valdes, and the English broadcast production crew have only needed a day to prove that it was worth re-instating for a fifth consecutive year.
This is the first year in the KeSPA Cup's five year existence that an English broadcast will not be aired alongside the native broadcast in South Korea, and T1 Esports CEO Joe Marsh is having none of it. Marsh tweeted about the importance of an English broadcast for this year's KeSPa Cup, and put his money where his mouth is by assuring both SK Telecom T1 and fellow LCK organization Gen.G were ready and willing to share the costs of airing the separate production for English-speaking viewers.
The German Federal Government has approved the changes in regulation in correspondence to the new Skilled Immigration Act, which will introduce a dedicated esports visa in spring of 2020. Germany, specifically Berlin, is a hotspot for premiere esports events, specifically for League of Legends, Counter-Strike: Global Offensive, and PLAYER UNKNOWN'S BATTLEGROUNDS (PUBG).
The premiere North American LoL Esports competition returns with the 2020 LCS Spring Split on January 25th, and 12 days prior, IMT will host fans of all ages at Button Mash in Echo Park to commemorate its first split participation in two full seasons.
Clearlove joined EDG upon its inception at the beginning of 2014, and now, he will be trusted to lead it.
FunPlus Phoenix confirmed as of December 16 that it had signed former SK Telecom T1 Top Laner Kim “Khan” Dong-ha, and according to a tweet by ESPN Esports’ Tyler “FionnOnFire” Erzberger, Khan will he paid over $2 million per season by FPX.
CoreJJ joined Lara Lunardi at ASE2019 to share his initial thoughts on the event, Team Liquid's performance at the 2019 League of Legends World Championship, and TL's new Jungler Mads "Broxah" Brock-Pedersen.
Harrisburg University is one of only a handful of universities across the U.S. to offer an Esports undergraduate degree program.
On Friday, December 13, G2 Esports uploaded a video to its twitter account featuring Bot Laner Luka "Perkz" Perković and Mid Laner Rasmus "Caps" Winther swapping into each other's roles for a Ranked game of League of Legends, with hints that the roleswap may be occuring on the actual team for the 2020 LEC Spring Split. Two days later, Jungler Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski provided context to G2's most recent roleswap on stream via Twitch.
Team Liquid made the news official in a video that was published to their twitter regarding how the organization came to a mutual arrangement with POB.
While it is possible Fenix could be platooning in the Bot Lane carry role with Johnssun, Fenix has struggled to maintain LCS starter quality as a mid laner in the past calendar year or two. Chances are that the veteran will serve as an insurance policy should Johnssun not be ready to prove himself as the only rookie in the 2020 LCS Spring Split.
Han ‘Peanut’ Wang-ho is set to leave the LCK after five years of career, joins LGD Gaming in the Chinese region, LPL. Before starting his new adventure, Peanut shared thoughts on All-Star 2019 and his expectations for the year of 2020.
Earlier this month, Golden Guardians announced the signing of former Turkish jungler, Can "Closer" Çelik. We had the opportunity to have a quick chat with the player about League of Legends All-Star 2019 and his expectations for playing in the LCS.
The legendary Brazilian AD Carry will be re-joining his former organization ahead of the CBLOL 2020 Spring Split.
CBLoL teams are heavily investing in import players from the South Korean region. Jordan “Grey” Corby experienced coaching Flamengo eSports for the year, sharing his experience in the Brazilian League of Legends esports scene.
G2 Esports Jankos joined Lara Lunardi at ASE2019 to talk about the team's performance at Worlds 2019, his personal thoughts on the event, and why Europe remains dominant over North America.
Let's take a look at how four different coaches from LCS organizations approached working with amateur talent at NASG 2019, and in doing so, examine how their respective approaches benefitted the players, the organizations, and the community at large.
When asked about the ribbing for Europe’s ‘tryharding’ in the showmatch in an on-broadcast interview with Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere, Jankos’ answer was pretty simple
Goldenglue spoke with Lara Lunardi at All-Star 2019 about joining GGS, the pros and cons of the spotlight, and playing with his new Jungler Can “Closer” Çelik.
Mid Laner Stephen "Triple" Li will be moving to the squad from the OPL, and veteran Bot Laner Brandon "Mash" Phan was announced by FlyQuest the day prior to Triple’s announcement.