On Friday, December 13, G2 Esports uploaded a video to its twitter account featuring Bot Laner Luka "Perkz" Perković and Mid Laner Rasmus "Caps" Winther swapping into each other's roles for a Ranked game of League of Legends, with hints that the roleswap may be occuring on the actual team for the 2020 LEC Spring Split. Two days later, Jungler Marcin "Jankos" Jankowski provided context to G2's most recent roleswap on stream via Twitch.
G2's video quickly circulated around the LoL Esports community, and reactions were split down the middle. Some refused to believe it could be true, while others tried to argue in favor of the move with statistical supporting arguments and champion pool pontifications. While it would certainly be surprising to see Caps and Perkz roleswap, Perkz' move to the Bot Lane to make room for Caps before the 2019 season was heavily questioned and skepticized upon first being announced.
Jankos discussed the roleswap on stream, citing Caps' desire to continue the saga he started by leaving Fnatic for G2 at the end of 2018, this time by defeating Fnatic Bot Laner Martin "Rekkles" Larsson in his own role:
"Okay. I will tell you the truth about the roleswap, okay? So, Caps first left Fnatic, and he made them kind of sad about it. Then, he beat Rekkles when he was playing against Rekkles, but now, he wants to beat Rekkles while playing in the same role as Rekkles. So, Caps roleswapped to beat Rekkles yet again, but this time, in the Bot Lane."
Jankos has been quite the troll throughout his career, and for now, the possibility of Perkz and Caps roleswapping in the LEC next season is still unclear. However, if there's a team who could pull off yet another roleswap and remain at the top level, no one fits the bill better than G2 Esports.
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