Han ‘Peanut’ Wang-ho is set to leave the LCK after five years of career, joins LGD Gaming in the Chinese region, LPL. Before starting his new adventure, Peanut shared thoughts on All-Star 2019 and his expectations for the year of 2020.
Hi Peanut! Welcome to Las Vegas. Are you enjoying League of Legends All-Star so far?
Yes, I'm certainly enjoying it. Also, the schedule itself for the players is a bit less tight than last year, so in that way, I'm enjoying it even more as well.
Out of all the modes you have played at All-Star, what is the mode that you find most fun to play?
I enjoyed URF mode the most, but I wasn't completely happy with my champion selection (Peanut had picked Xayah), so a corner of my heart is a bit regretful about it.
You have joined LGD Gaming in the LPL for next year. What are your expectations for the new scene you are entering?
I considered a variety of international teams, and out of all of them, LGD seemed to really want me, so in the end, I decided to go with them.
What is the first thing that you take into account when you get an offer to play for a team?
I guess there are several things - the members; the salary; the current situation of the team; how other people see the team - I think it's a combination of everything. I wouldn't say there is one single factor.
China and Korea played against each other at All-Stars but LCK basically stomped LPL. What do you think happened in that match?
I guess things like that can happen. It wasn't like Korea was underperforming this year at Worlds; they suddenly went higher this year than last year. Based on this, I believe that LCK will do even better next year.
What do you think is the main difference in terms of training in the LPL when comparing it to the LCK? What do you expect heading into the LPL?
I really believe the LPL is not that different from the LCK at the moment in terms of the practice because a lot of Korean coaches have gone to LPL over the past few seasons and have kind of shaped the scene in a certain way. I scrimmed against a few Chinese teams when I was still in Korea, and in terms of the time they spent practicing or the effort they put into their solo queue accounts, it didn't seem too different from the Korean teams.
What do you think import players have to gain when joining a different region, or the LPL?
The biggest thing you can expect is the difference in environment...*laughs* yeah, that's pretty much it.
Lastly, we asked our community who we should interview and what we should ask, and they chose you, Peanut. The question is: Are you doing well?
Oh, yes! Certainly, I am doing well. There is no particular reason for me not to be doing so well, and if the reason for the fans' concern is due to the performance of the team, I do regret the results, but it's not like you can just fall down and not rise up. You have to keep going on, and there is next year for me to improve on things, so for now, I will say that I'm doing well.

This interview was translated by Ashley Kang, of Korizon Esports.
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