It’s Marcin “Jankos” Jankowski’s third year in a row at the All-Star Event, and the G2 Esports Jungler has been enjoying himself in a variety of ways.
Jankos’ love for American food is well-documented, and whatever he’s been eating certainly served him well in the 1v1 tournament. Jankos finished in the top 8 by defeating All Knights Mid Laner Joaquín José "Plugo" Pérez and then FunPlus PhoeniX’s Gao "Tian" Tian-Liang, the Jungler who bested him in the 2019 Worlds Finals, but was cut down in the Quarterfinals by GAM Esports Jungler Đỗ "Levi" Duy Khánh.
Jankos also participated in the LEC vs. LCS showmatch, which featured professional players and influencers from North America and Europe, and played Ziggs in the Top Lane as EU was greater than NA once more. EU caught some flack for banning out the signature picks of the NA streamers, specifically the Draven of Tyler “Tyler1” Steinkamp and the Yasuo of 100 Thieves' Moe “Yassuo” A., who played Bot Lane and Mid Lane for the NA side, respectively.
When asked about the ribbing for Europe’s ‘tryharding’ in the showmatch in an on-broadcast interview with Eefje “Sjokz” Depoortere, Jankos’ answer was pretty simple: “Yeah, I mean...that’s what a loser would say.”

ASE2019 has one day left in its schedule. At 4:00pm PST, Esports Arena Las Vegas at the Luxor will host the final Tandem Mode match, the last two TFT matches, and one last URF showdown. Most notably, day 3 will feature the Pro Showdown, the only 5v5 match between all pros and no influencers, and the Semifinals and Finals of the 1v1 tournament.
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