Dongbin "Score" Go nurtured his teammates and jungle creeps, but showed no mercy towards his enemies.
On February 2nd (KST), KT Rolster kept their match-winning streak after defeating Afreeca Freecs with a 2-1 record in the second match of 2017 LCK Spring Split Day 8. Dongbin "Score" Go brought a joy to Ivern mains as he picked Ivern in Set 1 and carried the team by taking over the entire jungle and allowing the team to make macro plays.
Here is our interview with Score.
Congratulations on the fourth win of the season. How are you feeling right now?
It's a shame that we've lost our 7-set winning streak, but I'm still content as we've kept our match winning streak.
Did you expect Afreeca Freecs to break your 7-set winning streak?
We are always open to the possibility of losing to any opponents. It wasn't a surprise for us to drop a set.
You've picked Ivern. We need to hear more about it.
I didn't play it much on the Solo Queue, but I was inspired into playing it in scrims after watching an Ivern main playing him. Ivern can play mind games with the enemy jungler, and I'm pretty good at doing mind games. It fits my strength pretty well.
Can you give us some tips on playing Ivern? Asking for a friend who will pick Ivern on Solo Queue today.
Today, I wanted to show how you can fight together with jungle creeps against the enemy jungler when counterjungling. In other words, since jungle creeps are Ivern's friends, do make the most of them when facing the enemy jungler.
You've had quite a bit of trouble against Marin's Renekton on Set 2. Did you consider banning Renekton on Set 3?
We've given each other a lot of feedback, but Renekton was not the main topic. We thought we could win as long as we just solved the weaknesses we found during feedback process, so Renekton was not banned.
Gyungho 'Smeb' Song and Gyunghwan 'MaRin' Jang's rivalry drew a lot of attention.
Smeb was definitely out for MaRin's blood during Set 1 and 2 for personal reasons. (Laughs) He acted cool when we teased Smeb about how he just couldn't beat MaRin, but I guess he was just pretending to be that way. Now that he broke the curse, I think he will do fine against him from now.
Pawn seemed very eager to do a tower dive into botlane during Set 3. What happened there?
Our shotcalling was made too hastily. We were slightly off position because we wanted to ward the area despite knowing where the enemies are. i guess it does look silly, (Laughs) but Pawn's sacrifice allowed us to gain a lot of advantage. To sum up, it was a called shot.
KT Rolster's biggest strength is often said to be macromanagement. Do you agree?
We are all pretty good players on our own to say the least, so we are aiming to play as a team instead of relying on someone to carry the whole team. I guess that can be interpreted as having a good macromanagement. It's not just me or Sehyung "Mata" Jo calling the shots, but the whole team is doing it depending on the situation. Our feedback process is like that too, both players and coaches are sharing ideas and suggestions to each other after a game.
You next match will be up against Jin Air Greenwings. How will you prepare for that match?
Well, you know how we've had a close call today? (Laughs) I'm sure we will play even better than today as we will prepare dilligently for the next match without being cocky.
Some fans say that you are finally free to have fun playing LoL since you are playing with teammates who can carry you. What are your thoughts on that comment?
Obviously I'll say that it's a gross exaggeration (Laughs) I'm contributing a lot to the team even when I look like I'm just having a wonderful time. Of course, winning is always fun, so I'll say that it's partially right.
Thank you for your time. Any parting words?
February 2nd is revered as the day commemorating Jinho "YellOw" Hong, the "King of Silver" in Korean Internet communities*, and I'm glad that we did not drop down to the second place due to his 'blessing' like we did back in the 2016 Summer Split. Perhaps we might fare better this time and win the Spring Split. Also, I had a lot of fun playing LoL today. ;)
* Translator's Note: Since it's the day when TWO appears TWO times in the date, and you play a match where you have to win TWO...you get the idea.
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