Riot Games has issued a statement regarding changes to the League of Legends Prestige Sytem. The team is working on skins that will cost fewer than 100 Prestige Points, and all Event Prestige skins released in 2020 will be available for Prestige Points at the end of next year.
The developer update addressed frequenly asked questions by the fans, including:
"I don't know if my champ is gettin a Prestige skin this year, which makes it hard to tell what I should spend my Prestige Points on."
Riot agreed with the fans, sharing which champs will in fact be getting prestige skins until the end of 2019:
Upcoming 2019 Prestige Point skin champions (in order of appearance)
- Miss Fortune
- Thresh
Upcoming 2019 Event Prestige skin champions (in order of appearance)
- Valiant Sword Riven (released on 9.19)
- Qiyana
- Lee Sin

"If I end 2019 with less than 100 Prestige Points, what can I do with them?"
Riot stated that they are working on new Prestige Point content for lower point costs, allowing players that have less than 100 Prestige Points to put their $$ to good use!
( Any points you don't spend will go away when Prestige Points reset on January 31, 2020 at 11:59 PM PT. So make sure you use them!)
Here is what they are working on:
- PROJECT 2019 Jackpot Bag - 50 PP
- Contains 3 skin shards of the same tier (750 RP, 975 RP, 1350 RP, or 1820 RP) and 1050 Orange Essence
- Revel Grab Bag - 50PP
- Contains a 520 RP skin shard, 750 RP skin shard, 975 RP skin shard, 1350 RP skin shard, and 1820 RP skin shard
- Arcade 2019 Jackpot Bag - 50PP
- Contains 3 legacy skin shards (one guaranteed 975 RP or higher) and 1520 Orange Essence
- Exclusive Animated Emote - 25 PP
- Exclusive Ward Skin - 15 PP
- Exclusive Icon - 10 PP
- Event Icons from past 100 Prestige Point bundles - 5 PP
- Hextech Key - 3 PP
- 30 Orange Essence - 1 PP
"Why can't I use Prestige Points to purchase Event Prestige skins?"
Riot says that by the end of 2020, all 2020 Event Prestige skins released through Worlds 2020 will be temporarily available for 100 Prestige Points each, without awarding the border or icon (All Prestige skins released before 2020 will still include their border if obtained via re-roll or Hextech Crafting drop).
The changes will be only for 2020 Prestige events, not applying to 2018 or 2019.

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