On the 6th (KST), in the 2019 LCK Summer Split, Griffin squeezed by Afreeca Freecs 2-1. In the tight full set match, Griffin displayed calmness in teamfights to seize the victory. Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon contributed to the team’s victory with Ryze and Camille. Especially in Game 3, he boasted his ability as the KDA leader of the spring split by having 0 deaths (4/0/13). After the match, Chovy sat for an interview with the media.

Congrats on the win. How do you feel?
I’m satisfied that we were able to start the summer split with a victory.
How did it feel playing against Ucal whom you had a rivalry with last year?
I think he’s a good player. In Games 1 and 2, I started the games in unadvantageous situations. In Game 1, I was arrogant enough to try to win lane with a pick like Camille. In Game 2, after the Teleport to top, I fell behind a lot. I think today’s match wasn’t appropriate to decide who’s better between us. Starting from the picks & bans, it wasn’t a fair match [to decide who’s better].
In Game 2, while you were defending your Nexus, did you think that you can win?
I thought it would be difficult to win if they do well.
Irelia scaled quickly in Game 3 with a triple kill. Did that affect you?
I did feel a bit of pressure. But I thought that I just need to manage my lane well. What I was more worried about was that my teammates’ could have trouble in their lanes.
The game had skirmishes all around. Are you satisfied with today’s match?
Our head coach said that there’s nothing to give feedback on regarding our plays for Games 1 and 2, but we do need some feedback on the fight in front of the Dragon pit in Game 3.
What moment was the most exciting for you in today’s match?
In Game 3, evading Irelia’s ult twice was the most exciting. The moment I dodged it, I was convinced that we would win the fight.
You’ll be playing against DAMWON Gaming next. Showmaker had recorded a pentakill.
I’m not too concerned about opponents’ pentakills. Its something you can achieve if the situations go well. If they come in aggressively, it’s just good for us.
What do you think about the mid lane matchups in the recent meta?
It’s regretful that we can’t fight as aggressively because of the short lanes. It’s hard to penetrate in 1v1 situations. Since the distance between the turrets and where you gain CS is close, if you can manage the lane well, the opponent melee champions can’t even think about initiating trades. They pick Caitlyn in mid lane as well, but I don't’ think she’s a viable pick in the pro scene. It’s just for fun.
Do you have a personal goal for this season?
Hitting 1st place in the solo queue ladder. I wish Tarzan loses some matches. (Laughs) Maybe I’ll be able to beat him by the end of the season.
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