SKT kkOma: "I regret not being able to say good things, words to help players maintain their concentration during feedback."

On May 18th (KST), SK Telecom T1 lost to G2 Esports in the semifinals of the 2019 Mid-Season Invitational. Although they put up a good fight to the end, they fell one step short from victory. After the match, SKT had a press conference and spoke about the MSI.

(To kkOma) What did you learn from today’s loss?

: We went up to Game 5, and every game was close and fierce. Looking back at all the games, regrets are that I think ‘how would have it been if we were able to maintain our concentration until the end, longer than the opponents’. With today’s match, there’s something both the players and I felt. In the next competition, if we’re able to improve our mistakes today, it would go better. Although we did lose, I hope everybody learned something.

What was the most regretful moment?

: Today, we fought a lot, and we caught up through fights even in unfavorable situations. Since there were several mistakes, I think it’s too hard to pick one regretful moment. I would say the whole flow was the most regretful. Personally, I regret not being able to say good things, words to help players maintain their concentration during feedback.

Did you predict the top Pyke, Bot Syndra picks?

: They’re all picks that have appeared before. We even predicted picks that haven’t come out. Those picks were predicted, and we even discussed how we would deal with them in-game.

(To Faker) How would you evaluate the team’s MSI journey this year?

: For today, our performance wasn’t as good as we thought. There wouldn’t be one reason; it could have been better if everyone did a bit better.

(To Clid, Teddy) How do you feel finishing your first international competition?

: It’s my first international competition, and it’s really regretful that we were eliminated in the semifinals. But through this experience, I think I can become better in the future.

: I wasn’t nervous at all, but I think the whole team lacked concentration. It was my first international competition; if we did better, we would have gone to the finals. But we lost because we didn’t do well, so I don’t feel too good.

(To Khan) It’s your second straight MSI. You met many different top laners and champions. What do you think you lacked the most?

: The reason I was able to come to this competition two years straight was that all my teammates were good. This time, the top champions were quite similar. As for unique picks, I don’t remember anything but Pyke. I did think a lot because EU had many unique picks, but it’s regretful that I wasn’t able to think more about the plays.

(To Faker) Do you think LCK will be able to reclaim the reputation as the best league in the world?

Faker: Although we lost 2-3 this time, there's still Rift Rivals and the World Championship left. Through this loss, if we work hard, I think we'll be able to get back to the top.


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