After a botched start to the season (0-4), they recovered and scored a 9-3 run (6-1 in the second half of the split). As such, they are one win away from securing their playoff spot, failing which they could still make it – as long as SK Gaming and Misfits Gaming both lose a game
Below is the full transcription of the interview:
It's been quite a grind for Fnatic to reverse the tide and reach the point they're in at the moment, from 0-4 to 9-7. Looking back, what stands out to you the most right now?
Right now, we trust each other way more than before. Before that, we were playing like
I think we owe that to our
As far as trust, only one player changed between the last year and this one. Why did that go a little haywire
I don't even think it's because of the change. I think we forgot how to play as a
I think Nemesis is fitting greatly on our

Is fishing one of the team-building activities you guys tried? [E.N.: Hylissang likes to fish during the offseason, hence the question.]
Fishing? No! *laughs* We aren't fishing together. We just play games or watch movies together. Our sports psychologist had some pretty cool tasks that we did together, and it was pretty good.
We watched
[E.N.: For those curious enough to investigate the matter deeper, the series in question is All or Nothing: Manchester City, and it is available on Netflix.]
Do you remember something that was very interesting to pick up on from the show?
Their coach, Pep Guardiola, [told his players]: if they pressure you, you can just pass the ball instead of shooting it. If they don't come to you, you can keep the ball.
It's kind of the same in League of Legends: if you have the pressure, you just keep it – and you keep pushing your waves. If their
And that's not an element that you've had before?
We had it when we had Caps – he knew how to do it. [Nemesis] was a bit lost on when to commit to the move to
Now, as far as you, Zdravets, are concerned, when things kept going south, how was your mindset through all of that?
As a person, I'm kind of pessimistic when we go through this type of slump, losing so many games in a row. I kind of lose hope. I was not in a good mood, and whenever I woke up, I felt like I didn't want to play. We came from such high expectations to almost being the worst team in the LEC, and I was feeling bad about it. It was sad to see, but with time, I talked to my teammates and coaches, and they helped me out. With time, I fixed it.

With team activities and some Pep Guardiola insights, you guys fixed it. There was also maybe some fun involved...
It wasn't just Pep Guardiola. It was just us as a team doing something together, having fun and enjoying it. It doesn't need to be Pep Guardiola and movies; it can be
At least, it relieves the pressure out of it.
Yeah! The games are so much easier when you have a different perspective in-game. When we were losing, we had a perspective of: "The game is so hard. Every lane is losing!" But right now, every lane is kind of chilling, waiting. They know we have
To be honest, this is the first time in your career that you started a season on such a bad note. Even in UoL, you'd usually start the season pretty strong. That's kind of a new feeling, even for you!
Back in UoL, I've always felt that we were playing well, but the statistics were not that great. There were times when I was shocked that we were almost the last team; in my mind, I thought that we were playing
At least, now, you're much closer to the playoffs. Had you told yourself that, how would you even have reacted?
I wouldn't have believed it. I didn't even think we would have made it! We needed a lot of wins. I don't know how or why, something clicked in our brains, and we were like: "We must win; we can't lose

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