On March 3rd (KST), in the second match of 2019 LCK Spring Split Day 29, SK Telecom T1 defeated Kingzone DragonX 2-0. In Game 1, Kim “Khan” Dong-ha’s Jayce dominated the Rift, and in Game 2, the team as a whole didn’t show any weaknesses. SKT had no problem in winning the match. After the match, Khan and Kim “Clid” Tae-min were interviewed as MVPs.
The following is an interview with Khan and Clid.

It was a clean sweep. How do you feel?
Khan: We felt that our recent performance has been pretty good. In today’s match, we made a minimum amount of mistakes so I feel good about that.
(To Clid) You showed textbook jungling today and got the MVP. How do you feel?
Clid: It’s been a while since I got MVP so I feel good. But more than that, I feel good because everybody did well and our team won.
You banned four champions in bot lane in Game 1 and picked the champions that the upper half likes and are good at. What did you think after the picks & bans?
Khan: It seemed like we had the stronger comp and we trusted the bot lane will do well. I think our performance was good because we had trust in each other.
(To Clid) Your Lee Sin in Game 1 was fantastic. It seemed that you were caring for the upper half more than the bot side.
Clid: I could have cared for bot lane more, but I thought there would be no problem in farming because Teddy played Sivir. Also, I thought that caring for the upper half would be more efficient so I did that.
(To Khan) The gold difference in Game 1 during the laning phase against Vladimir was very big. How did you pull it off?
Khan: The matchup was pretty good for me, but I think I was just plain good.
The end of Game 1 was also very impressive. Who made the call?
Khan: Mata and I made the call and everybody agreed. We thought that we would be able to end even if we divided the team in half.
(To Clid) Did the team decide to have you mark Deft in Game 2?
Clid: I just smacked him because I saw him. (Laughs)
Your next match is against Griffin who is undefeated. You might feel pressured, but still, SKT’s recent performance is really good. Are you confident?
Khan: Yes. I’m very confident. We’re on a 2-game winning streak, and if we can beat Griffin, we would be able to extend the winning streak longer so I’ll make sure we can concentrate in the remaining matches and put in more effort so that we do better. Thank you.
Clid: As Kkoma said in an interview, I can feel that we’re improving and it’s showing on stage. I think we’ll become better if we just do as we always did.
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