The 2019 LEC Spring Split is one third over, and G2 Esports put its stamp all over the first act of the season. The Kings of Europe now sit at 6-0 in sole possession of 1st place, but Splyce did not make it easy.

Andrei "Xerxe" Dragomir carved out a lead for Splyce on jungle Aatrox, but a dominant laning phase from G2 kept the game close heading into the late game. G2 edged out a lead as the game continued, and cracked the base of Splyce with a mid inhibitor secure.
However, Splyce threw down the gauntlet and forced Baron, securing the Baron and escaping with three of its members. However, the Hand of Baron did not make a difference in the end, and Splyce fell to G2 after a teamfight at almost 40 minutes.
The second match of the day featured Excel Esports and Schalke 04. XL Jungler Marc "Caedrel" Robert Lamont got an early lead for himself on a full damage Olaf, but the team failed to translate to anything meaningful across the map. Eventually, XL's flame was snuffed out by Schalke's superior scaling and synergy. With a mid-hour crack of the XL nexus, Schalke 04 ended week 3 of the LEC in 2nd place.
Origen brought flavor to the match against SK Gaming, drafting Yasuo mid and Kayn jungle. SK Jungler Oskar "Selfmade" continued his impressive rookie campaign on Sejuani, and built a lead for Jorge "Werlyb" Casanovas Moreno-Torres's Vladimir.
Unfortunately for SK, a botched mid game tower dive put a triple kill's worth of gold into the pocket of Patrik "Patrik" Jírů's Kalista. OG managed to hold on until Jonas "Kold" Andersen's Rhaast came online, and a 36 minute teamfight was all she wrote for SK Gaming.
Rogue, in sole possession of last place, had a tall task in looking for its first win against Vitality, but managed to extend a slight lead at the conclusion of the mid game. However, Vitality stayed in the game through superior macro play, maintaining superior vision control and taking turrets despite a kill deficit.
The game was even in gold past the 30 minute mark when Rogue finally cracked the base off Vitality. Despite fully committing and destroying the mid lane inhibitor of Vitality, a sneaky backdoor by Daniele "Jiizuke" di Mauro and coordinated recall interrupts from the rest of VIT ended the game in heart-breaking fashion. Rogue, despite possessing control for the majority of the game against a 2nd place team, finished the week 0-6.
In the final match of the day, Misfits Top Laner Paul "SoaZ" Boyer faced off against his former team, Fnatic. SoaZ was drafted into a winning matchup on Urgot vs. Sion, and he kicked things off on a pronounced note with a solo kill First Blood. MSF continued to focus Bwipo and overtook the top side of the map. Soaz led Misfits to victory with a 5/0/6 KDA on the Headsman's Pride. If La Baguette possessed any thirst for revenge against his former team, consider it satiated.
Misfits looked in far better form than its feckless performance against Excel Esports the previous day, but A sigh of relief for Misfits is a sharp inhale of concern from Fnatic. The 2018 World Finalists currently sits at 1-5, with its only win coming from its Week 3, Day 1 victory against last place Rogue.
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