Kiin who displayed fantastic performance against Team China at the 2018 Asian Games shared his experience with the fans.
On the 27th of August, at the 'Jakarta Palembang 2018 Asian Games', the Korean national team defeated both Vietnam and China. In their 2nd match of the day, Korea was able to take their win against China through their incredible macro plays. During the match, Kiin played Gangplank and converted the enemies' aggression into an advantage for his team.
After the match, Kiin shared his thoughts on how it was playing against Akali for the first time in a professional setting. After stating that Akali has been rising in popularity, he said, "It threw me off a bit at how strong she was in the laning phase."
Throughout the match, Kiin either took the enemy with him when tower dove, or escaped with a sliver of health remaining. Kiin had a humble approach and stated that luck was simply on his side. "It wouldn't have been strange for me to have died in those situations. The enemy team made mistakes, and I took advantage of them. The outcome of the dives was a product of how I remained focused and handled the situation," he said.
After their match against Vietnam, the Korean representatives shared feedback that they frequently made individual mistakes. How did they fare against China? "Although we made fewer mistakes compared to our previous match, we still made a fair amount of them against China. We need to make sure to correct our flaws before moving forward," Kiin said. He also shared how he was able to endure the long and tiresome pause that took place during the match. "All of us were aware that when a pause is drawn-out, we could become susceptible to losing our concentration. Our teammates put emphasis on that fact and looked after each other."
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