Coach Edgar revealed his need to thank all the players for their dedication and work.
On the 7th at the Gangnam Nexon Arena for the 2018 LoL Champions Summer Korea, Gen.G defeated MVP 2:0. With the conclusion of their last regular season game, Gen.G has finished the regular season with 13 wins 5 losses and +12 set points. Explaining that the players have performed better than expected, Coach Edgar sent his grateful regards to the players for their hard work.
Below are the responses from Gen.G’s head coach, Coach Edgar.

¤ How do you feel about winning Gen.G’s last game?
While I was nervous because it was our last set, regardless, I had confidence due to the promising results in practice. Except for the very trivial mistakes, I think we had a very clean game.
¤ Gen.G has ended the regular season with 13 wins 5 losses and +12 set points.
Before the start of the Summer Split, I didn’t expect that our players will play this well. In a preparation standpoint, it was rather difficult. I think luck was on our side. I believe we filled in a lot of our disparities. If I had to name one regret, there were certainly games we lost but could have won. Since the rankings are not finalized yet, we will just have to wait and see. For now, because the players are all so tired, I want to give them a resting period. Therefore, I only wish that we could start in the top standings for playoffs.
¤ What is your desired rankings for the ladder?
To be honest, I think it would be a bit too much to ask for 1st place. I believe it is safe to ask for 2nd or 3rd place. Because both Hanwha Life Esports and SKT are good teams with a lot of potential, I think they have a chance.
¤ If you had to pick Summer Split’s MVP, who would it be?

Of course Fly comes into mind. He played better than I expected. Thanks to Fly, Crown’s form has also increased. Both Crown and Fly are competing with one another and helping each other improve. I am grateful. Thanks to all the players, including the players who could not play on stage, working extremely hard, we were able to improve our performance compared to before.
¤ As a coach, you need to take into consideration both Asian Games and Playoffs at the same time.
Rather than my head aching, it is just physically exhausting. I feel so incredibly sorry for not being able to pay attention to my family for a long time. However, because I am responsible for preparing my team for playoffs and coach for Korea’s National team, I am trying my utmost.
¤ There was a moment when non-marksmen champions were meta. Gen.G has always implemented ADCs. To what extent are you satisfied with Gen.G’s performance?
I am very satisfied. If we weren’t able to yield results with ADCs, we would have been forced to practice something else. Thankfully, it was successful. Due to Asian Games’ expected debut, the practice hours were a bit tight. Rather, I believe it would been detrimental if I had made changes to the team poorly.
¤ Is there a team you want to support and cheer on?
I support Hanwha Life Esports the most. Following my heart, I want both bbq and SKT T1 to win (laughs).
¤ How long will the resting period be?
Since we are moving to a new office, we need time to get everything sorted. Despite this, I assume we would have around 8 days of rest. Although the regular season is over for us, nothing is set in stone yet. I am still thinking how we will prepare for playoffs. Because the players didn’t have any rest for a month, I do feel sorry. I only wish for them to rest now.
¤ People say that a meta has arrived that is well suited for Gen.G.
To be honest, even if the opponent picks a non-marksmen, I don’t believe it will be any difficult for our team. Although we have not shown that many mistakes in our most recent games, there has been moments when we made crucial mistakes. It is calming to see that these moments are not occuring anymore.
¤ Lastly, is there anything you want to say?
While the ladder rankings are not finalized, the players went through a lot of trouble. I want to say thank you. By working and helping the team, I also want to thank the players who did not perform on stage. I am thankful for the support the executives and Kevin Choo has given us. I sincerely thank all of the fans for always supporting us.
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