Royal Never Give up

Adel (for Cybersport) asks Xiao hu and Mlxg - How much have you grown as a player since the last MSI?
Mlxg - I got more experience and I feel more prepared for the Bo5. I was also able to improve mechanically, expand my champion pool and also am prepared better mentally.
Adel - More details on the mental health?
Mlxg - One year ago I couldn't handle the losses very well, so the difference to now is that I can handle losses much better and see more easily why we lost those games and how to come back.
Darius (for The Shotcaller) asks Uzi - Who are the three best ADCs in the world right now? Including himself.
Uzi - Its really hard to have a definite number one since every ADC has their own playstyle, so its hard to say.
DrPuppet (for Inven Global) asks Uzi - How was it to play Fnatic, more precisely lane against Rekkles and the Fnatic bot lane.
Uzi - They picked a stronger laning matchup in both of the games, so if they don't make any hard mistakes it is very hard for them to lose the lane. So I think Rekkles wasn't able to show much of his level of play because of the matchup advantage they had.
DrPuppet asks for anyone who feels comfortable answering - RNG was the team expected to be able to beat Kingzone, however they lost today. How did the team prepare for today's match and why do they think they weren't to beat them today?
Uzi - I don't think we were well prepared for this game today. We weren't able to practice much lately and we weren't used to play against Kingzone's playstyle. So as the tournament progresses and we get used to it, I think we can beat them.
Kingzone Dragon X

Korean press question 1 - How do you feel right now after having two wins on the first day?
Peanut - It’s good to have a good start, it’s 2 out of the 10 games. It feels good.
PraY - It’s been a while since I played with an open booth so I was a little bit nervous, but we had a very clean game so I’m happy. It’s a big tournament and we did well because of our preparation so it feels good.
Parques - How do you handle being famous for being known as the best team that ever existed. Does it put any stress on you guys or does it even motivate you guy?
Peanut - Based on hearing that evaluation actually now I heard it a lot when playing for SKT a lot, so that makes it hearing for me two years in a row now. Rather than feeling any pressure I chose to enjoy it and that means I’m doing really well, so I think I’m going the right direction.
DrPuppet - Why did you play with teleport on Ezreal and build the Trinity Force instead of the double tear of the goddess Ezreal build?
Gorilla - Well there was no big reason behind but based behind on practices and as we liked it in SoloQ many people like to play it that way, that’s why we decided to play it.
DrPuppet - Usually when people play teleport on bot lane either as support or ad carry they use the book mastery so they can change summoners. Do they think it only work because it was Pray’s Ezreal or were they confident as a team.
Gorilla & PraY - I think teleport is good if it was used in really fast pacing games and it wasn’t needed to use heal at that moment.
Darius - Is there an internal competition of who is the best player currently?
Team - We all think Bdd is the best player in the world.
Bdd - no comment on that.
Darius - are you excited about your matchup against Fnatic?
PraY - Yes, we are expecting it and we are looking to face Rekkles too. We are excited to see how better he got and I could experience it.
Adel - Any words to tell to NoFe?
Team - Maybe either of us won’t be at worlds but we really wish we could meet him there.
Darius - Any words to the international fans?
Peanut - Thank you for supporting us!
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