To finish off the year of 2017, it's time for a relay interview. This is a corner where pro gamers ask each other some questions; questions that they were too shy to ask or questions that may have seemed too trivial.
Starting from Smeb, seven players participated in the relay interview. We asked the players about how they think of each other, and what in the world they are doing in the bathroom for thirty minutes and so on. We tried to write the full text the players gave us without filtering. Let’s have a look now.
(The attached pictures were provided selfies/candids from each team.)

From kt Rolster Song “Smeb” Kyung-ho
To SKT T1 Lee “Faker” Sang-hyeok
Q. What do you think of me?
A. Nothing.
Q. How tall are you?
A. Around 176cm, I think.
Q. Is there a player who you don’t want to meet in solo queue?
A. Anybody’s all right as long as they don’t troll.

From SKT T1 Faker
To Longzhu Gaming Kim “PraY” Jong-in
Q. Who’s the most fearful in solo queue?
A. Faker in the mid lane.
Q. What physical trait are you most confident in?
A. My height.
Q. What did you feel after returning from the All-Star Event?
A. It was good to compete on the national team again.

From Longzhu Gaming PraY
To kt Rolster Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu
Q. Which three teams do you think will go to Worlds in 2018?
A. I haven’t thought about any teams except my team.
Q. What do you think your rank in appearance is on your team?
A. I think everybody’s tied at second except Won-seok (PawN).
Q. Do you like your nickname alpaca?
A. At first, I didn’t know, but after hearing it so much, I began to see it in the mirror…

From kt Rolster Deft
To Samsung Galaxy Lee “CuVee” Sung-jin
Q. When were you happier, when you won Worlds or when you ate a very tasty dish when you were starving?
A. Winning Worlds was a happier moment.
Q. What do you do during your vacation?
A. I was just rolling around at home.
Q. How many dishes of noodles with black soybean sauce can you have?
A. Up to three dishes.

From Samsung Galaxy CuVee
To Longzhu Gaming Han “Peanut” Wang-ho
Q. You’ve been to several teams, which team was the best for you?
A. I had a good time and learned a lot from each team I went, so I can’t choose one. They were all good.
Q. Kim “Khan” Dong-ha says that if the top laner loses, it’s the jungler’s fault. What do you think?
A. I think he doesn’t think that way anymore. (Laughs)
Q. What do you do during your vacation?
A. I don’t have anybody to meet, so I rest at the team house watching twitch streams.

From Longzhu Gaming Peanut
To SKT T1 Park “Untara” Ui-jin
Q. You go to the bathroom, and stay there for thirty minutes, what do you do there?
A. I do my business while reading web comics.
Q. What will you do on Christmas?
A. Have a good meal with my family.
Q. Do SKT T1 members still eat Gganbu chicken every day?
A. Yes, we always think of Peanut when we do. So cute of Peanut to ask that : )
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