Related : SKT vs RNG: Guess the Winner and Win RP! Worlds 2017 Semifinals Match 1
This is the second guess-the-winner event for the 2017 League of Legends World Championship. On Oct 29th (Sun), on the second day of the semifinals, Team WE, the ultimate Chinese champion, and Samsung Galaxy, the one who made it to the semifinals to everyone’s surprise, will be playing against each other for the last ticket to the finals.
Team WE defeated C9, the last North American team left this year, and made it to the semifinals. SSG also won against Longzhu Gaming, which was one of the teams that was highly-anticipated as the final champion. Both teams made it to the semifinals by winning against strong opponents in the quarterfinals, and fans are anxious to see which team will win the second matchup of the semifinals.
To provide you with more fun while watching the semifinals of Worlds 2017, Inven Global has prepared a special event for everyone. Guess which team is going to win the first match of the semifinals, and leave a comment cheering for the team of your choice. We will send $10-worth League of Legends RP as a prize to randomly selected participants!
■ How to participate in the WE vs SSG Semifinal Guess-the-Winner Event
Choose the team you think will win in the semifinals, match 2 which will be held on Oct 29th (Sun). Then, leave a comment cheering for the team and the team members.
When you are writing a comment, 1) click on the team (WE or SSG) that you think will win, 2) write a supportful message in the blank below, and 3) click “Post” to submit your comment. You will be participating in the event automatically as soon as you leave a comment, so don’t hesitate to participate in the event!

Among the comments posted before the start of the match, we will randomly select 5 people who correctly guess the winner and 5 people who left a supporting comment and will send 1380 RP to each person.
Event Duration: Oct 24th (Tue) - Oct 29th 00:30 AM (Sun) (before the match begins)
Event Prize: One 1380 RP Card (for 5 people who guessed the winner, and 5 people who left a supporting comment; 10 people in total)
※ If you cannot use the RP card due to your region, we will send you another form of prize with the same money value.
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Comments :68
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level 1 dfchecking
League of Legends: Related : SKT vs RNG: Guess the Winner and Win RP! Worlds 2017 Semifinals Match 1 This is the second guess-the-winner ...https://dfchecking.com/
level 1 topcarbrands
Thanks for sharing your wonderful and helpful content with us. Looking forward to see more good posts from you in future. you may like: http://recordsdaily.com/ -
level 1 topcarbrands
ssg will most likely win tbh as they beat longzhu with ease and we struggled against c9 LETS GO SSG! https://www.gtopcars.com/
level 1 Johnmash2
I think SSG will win this round, they have proven to be so much stronger especially after winning against Longzhu Gaming that was thought to be going to finals against SKT. I hope SSG will win this round!! You can read sports news https://theoutdoorchamp.com/
level 1 James_McNeill
I think samsung win! Because they are powerfull team with good captain. I think you should post this poll on Instagram so that a huge number of people can see your question and give extensive feedback in the comments. And you can use the help of https://viplikes.net/ to qucikly increase the number of followers.
level 1 kenneth964
I wish both the all the best, but I personally think Samsung will win -
level 1 Erin_Chan
Korean teams are doing so well this year, looking forward to SKT vs SSG in the finals!
level 1 David_Cheong
SSG has been doing so well during worlds, hopefully they make it to the finals! -
level 1 dyangdux
i think that ssg has a very good chance of winning cmon we want an all korean finals!!!!!!!! -
level 1 Sydneytechwoo
CMON WE my favourite chinese team <3 pleaseeee win :)
level 1 dragonclawsspec
ssg please cuvee win me xd -
level 1 I_Love
Hope for another korean win, continue the dynasty! GO SSG!!!!!
level 1 hotboixd
level 1 WillDong
Hopefully, you win. Best of luck! You have improved, just one more milestone away, before you win
level 1 Ilovedongmore
THe win is guaranteed!
level 1 Ilovedong
Koreans FTW! Good luck!
level 1 polarbear824
A win for ssg = a win for me ;) -
level 1 Keith_Gan
SSG just seems so much stronger than WE right now, there's no way they can lose against them! GO SSG!! -
level 1 cslayton
please i just want a chinese team to win worlds -
level 1 babyxx
ssg will most likely win tbh as they beat longzhu with ease and we struggled against c9 LETS GO SSG
level 1 Daniel_Yang
Even though WE are the underdogs, I still think SSG will win this series considering their current form
level 1 flagellant
yea the ssg gunna destroy mystic babyyyy
level 1 Rowena_Cheong
SSG is always one of the groups that I will root for and its sad to see people neglect them although they have also reached finals last year. Also they have been looking strong after the longzhu series. I believe they will win this !
level 1 Jelly_Icecream
SSG will probably wreck WE since they have won before. -
level 1 Proceed
Maybe this is finally the year that a Chinese team will win.
level 1 DidiAndrea
I have faith SSG will win this series! Crown & Ambition have been my favorite players in this team and I really want them to win a title for themselves. SSG fighting!! -
level 1 Kirby_Stars
I think SSG will win this round, they have proven to be so much stronger especially after winning against Longzhu Gaming that was thought to be going to finals against SKT. I hope SSG will win this round!!
level 1 Weiran_Su
level 1 Leonardo_Valade
The final will repeat
level 1 Jenzyy
SSG rekt LZ and they WILL destroy TEAM WE
level 1 Daniel_Kim
SSG looked ridiculously strong against LZ in quarters. Let's get that 2016 finals rematch boyz. Go SSG #ssgwin
level 1 Evan_Zhang
level 1 Hoshea_Tiang
Go Samsung!!! You worked hard this year and came back from a slump against Longzhu!!! Take the final step :)
level 1 Nick_Xie
I have waited for a WE vs SKT grand final for worlds all year. It's held in China so it has to be a Chinese vs Korean grand final!!! Go WE!!! you can do it!!!! you can end SKT's world's era and faker's streak!!!!! WE 3-2 SSG and then WE 3-2 SKT!! Go WE!!!!!!
level 1 Marcus95Rin
You'd wish the korean domination at Worlds you know to end! Yeeeesssss...
level 1 Gianmarco
I trust in Team WE this time...and I really hope to see a different country in final
level 1 Vick_Lin
Go WE!Go Candi the son of baron!
level 1 Shylubu
Crown and Ambition are rly good:)
level 1 Playmaker
It's going to be a tough road for WE, but I believe in the team. This match is winnable and I got faith!
level 1 Maya
It will be hard work, really really hard but I will believe in WE. They can do it. WE 加油
level 1 Andy
I think SSG will prove themselves that they can be the best, because they have already proven a lot, to come back strong after a crushing and heartbreaking defeat last year. I think that is what is a champion’s mentality. SSG Fighting! #ssgwin
level 1 woodv1402
Cuvee performed really well against Khan. I have all my trust in him! Go fighting SSG!!!
level 1 Alberto
SSG is too strong in every aspect compared with WE. -
level 1 moong
Had a rough start, but fought there way up to where they are now. They may not have an impression of the most powerful team, but it surely would not be a big surprise if they win against any other team left. The miraculous drama must go on. #SSGWIN
level 1 Sonagi
삼성 삼승!
level 1 Zetyr
SSG already did the unthinkable beating LGZ.
level 1 fazed343
Love your plays xiye, ever since you and mystic killed the ge tigers at iem, i believe in you guys!
level 1 Milkamus
Let's go SSG for a finals rematch -
level 1 Andres_Tello
WE believe in you SSG!!!
level 1 brian
level 1 Jane
I hope to see a fully Korean finals this year as well :P
level 1 Tanky_Chan
SSG chokes during important matches. It's time for China to win Worlds!
level 1 Nancy
WE Fighting!
level 1 Cheyenne_Chua
WE looked strong they might pull an upset.
level 1 Hendrick_Chan
level 1 Jun-ha_Jung
GO SSG! Even if you ruined my playoffs pickem, you did it in such a convincing manner that I don't care. Good luck and SSG FIGHTING!
level 1 Kei_Hirata
Go Samsung Galaxy! Everybody said the Group Stage was rough for you guys, but actually it was 4:2! That's pretty good and SKT looked worse than you guys so far. Let's go and get the title this year, I believe in you guys!
level 1 roxtaiga
SSG fighting! You guys were incredible i am not sleeping on your skills. Let's win and meet in the finals! Go SSG ! -
level 1 Yikay
SSG is definitely my favourite team as I'm a Crown fanboy and Viktor main too. I believe they can win both this match and the final afterwards. Gl SSG.
level 1 wannabemata
Samsung are the storngest team at Worlds now by far, so it is expected them to win. WE can upset tho, but I am not sure.
level 1 Aprilkoala
WE keep ur dream
level 1 S3ven
They looked rly impressive vs the LCS Winners
level 1 Shogo_Yamasaki
not expecting a Korean team to be in the finals with SKT would be considered pretty bad from their PoV. I am going wit with SSG on this one so we see a rematch of lastyears Finals #SSGWIN
level 1 TrinhNamSon
SSG fighting! Although i am a fan of SKT, i still cheer for you guys in semifinal. I want to see a rematch of last Worlds Final. I never forget the dark sky in 2014 when SSW took my boys down. So i want the real best rival of SKT in the LoL's history-the Samsung organization- wins the semifinal so that i can watch another super hype Bo5 in the final and see the Golden Red vs the Silver Blue once again! Go and win semifinal SSG, my boys will wait you guys in Beijing!
level 1 Arizven
level 1 Lubra
After beating LZ in such a dominant way, these guys will come HUGE to battle WE and then take SKT or RNG in the finals, Samsung FIGHTING!!!
level 1 dontplayyasuo
LCK Fighting