MVP ADD felt that he could take on anything as long as he built Bramble Vest on his Maokai.
On July 26th (KST), MVP defeated bbq Olivers 2-1 in 37th day of 2017 LCK Summer Split. Gunmo "ADD" Kang was named as the MVP for Game 3, but he showed respectable performance with Maokai throughout all three games and lead the team to victory.
When he was interviewed on air by OGN for his MVP performance, the first thing that ADD mentioned about the new patch is much better for him. "Before, I usually played DPS champions that aren't so tanky, so I had to die if their mid and jungler come to gank the toplane. However, I can stay alive [with current metagame champions], so they hardly gank top. It's much better for me."
When asked about Cho'Gath, who is becoming rapidly popular among pros, he brought up a glaring weakness in an otherwise strong champion. "It has strong laning phase and a lot of game-changing potential, but it can't even touch the enemy DPS in a teamfight."
Also, 'Bramble Vest', an advanced item added in Patch 7.14 that builds into Thornmail, seems to be very strong - even overpowered - according to ADD. He shared how the reason why he played Maokai for the entire match was because he thought he'd be able to handle any lane matchup as long as he build into Bramble Vest.
Finally, Ocean Drake hasn't been as desirable as other Drakes, but the changes in the metagame made it more valuable due to the toplane metagame shifting towards tanky champions who can make most of Ocean Drake's regen buff. ADD shared a similar sentiment as he said how "Taking Ocean Drake in the early phase of the game will effectively win you the laning phase."
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