Solo Leveling: ARISE, Key Strategies for Pursuing Death Stalker


Basic Cycle: The optimal cycle involves alternating between buffers and damage dealers (buffer-dealer-buffer-dealer), with minimal use of breakers. For the boss that does not reduce damage when its Break gauge is active, maximizing firepower through buffer and dealer rotations is key.



Forced Switch with Number Keys: Given Death Stalker's short time attack window, relying solely on QTE swaps can result in excessive breaker time, making it difficult to defeat the boss within the time limit. Using number key forced switches is essential for efficient swapping between buffers and dealers.



Break Gauge Special Pattern: When the boss's HP is depleted, it goes into a phase when a Break is required. Failing to break it will make defeating the boss within the time limit much more difficult. This is why, despite no damage reduction during the Break gauge, a breaker must still be included to handle this critical phase.



Avoid Wasting Skills: Be careful not to waste skills during the boss's evasive patterns, such as backstepping or burrowing underground. These movements can cause you to miss attacks, leading to a significant loss of damage output.

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