On Dec. 6, Liiv SANDBOX announced their full roster for 2023 with two new players. The new players are top laner Noh “Burdol” Tae-yoon and jungler Kim “Willer” Jeong-hyeon.
Liiv SANDBOX had a great summer split as they hit the league like a sandstorm. They finished 3rd in the regular season with 13 wins. However, they failed to reach Worlds as they lost to DRX in the regional qualifiers.
Last October, Liiv SANDBOX named Yoo “Ryu” Sang-wook as their new head coach heading into 2023. As of today, they have completed their roster.
2023 LSB Roster
Top: Burdol
Jungle: Willer
Mid: Clozer
Bot: Envyy
Support: Kael
Mid laner Lee “Clozer” Joo-hyeon and support Kim “Kael” Jin-hong will continue in their positions aside the new players. Bot laner Lee “Envyy” Myeong-joon was the substitute bot laner in 2022 LCK Summer.
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