Royal Never Give Up's season is over. After an exciting beginning to the year saw them win the LPL 2022 Spring Playoffs and MSI 2022 — the championship roster fell into a rut throughout the summer. RNG failed to perform domestically, and narrowly qualified for Worlds. After making it to the quarterfinals of the international tournament, the roster lost to T1 0-3. Inven Global spoke with the team's jungler — Yan "Wei" Yangwei — about the series, and his plans for the future.
It was a tough loss for RNG today — please share (if you're comfortable) how you're feeling about the series.
Definitely, I feel so bad that we didn't manage to get a win for today's game, but it feels like in your whole life you definitely will face so many failures. So I try not to think about the losses we have already had. I would like to focus on the future.
Looking at this series, what do you think you can learn from it to have more successful results in the future?
I really learned a lot of lessons — especially the lessons in my mentality. I'd like to have more improvement in my mentality, so next time faced with this kind of situation, maybe I'll do better.
What do you initially feel were the problems with your match today?
I believe the first reason is we didn't manage to have a very good form — we didn't manage a very good momentum getting into today's game, And also maybe in the scrims we had, we didn't manage to have very good results. This can be reflected in today's games.
You definitely had some great performances throughout the year, though — winning LPL in the spring and MSI. How do you reflect on your and your team's performance throughout 2022?
It feels like looking back on this whole journey — I must say it's not an easy path. Everyone just put full effort into it, and we really practiced so hard. We had very good discussions — we discussed every detail — and we put full attention into every single feedback. Also, I must say the whole team really put full effort into every single game, but the results were just not what we wanted.`
You defeated T1 at MSI this year — what do you think the reasons were for you not being able to repeat that result this time around?
Maybe it's because of the meta. For this meta, we didn't manage to have a very good adaption into it. We didn't manage to have the full proper preparation compared to the efforts that T1 put in, and maybe for the meta readings they just did better than us.
There's an interesting statistic maintained throughout the year when it's come to your games against T1. This series represented the first time Red Side won in 9 games against T1 — what happened there? Why does Blue Side always win in T1 versus RNG?
I think the main reason is that we didn't manage to have a very good form, and we didn't manage to make the full preparation. That's all.

What are your thoughts about the rest of the tournament? Any impressions or predictions?
So what I want to say is that I hope LPL teams can get the win.
What are your plans and goals for the rest of the year?
To be honest, at this time, I don't have many plans for the rest of the year. But definitely for the next year, I'm going to try my best and put in full effort to try my best to have a very good result.
Thanks so much for speaking, Wei. Do you have anything you'd like to say to the RNG fans of the world?
So I really would like to give my appreciation to all the fans that keep supporting me and also keep supporting RNG. No matter if you guys are in the arena or just watching our games at home — I really would like to give my appreciation to all of you. Thank you all.
I write. I rap. I run. That’s pretty much it.
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