On Nov. 6, Arcane debuted on Netflix to an overall positive reception from gamers online. The shows' quality animation and generous fan service kept the buzz going throughout social media and initial fears regarding historically lame video-game-to-cinema adaptations have been squarely put to rest.
In fact, the central characters of Arcane have seen a surge in pick rates across all Elos, according to lolalytics.com. Most notably, Jinx, Vi, and Jayce have each seen a steep increase in pick rate.
As part of the celebration of Arcane's launch, Riot is giving players free Arcane-themed skins and adding the shows champions to the free rotation – two things that also encourage upward trends among global pick rates across all Elos.

Source: lolalytics.com
As part of Riot's mission to "expand the Arcane experience", Vi, Jinx, Jayce, Caitlyn, and more champions (possibly Viktor?) will stay on the free rotation from November 6, 2021 to December 9, 2021.
Amusingly, Jayce's win rate is lower than ever and it doesn't take too much thought to figure out why. Give Arcane fans free skin and chances are they will use it at least once, regardless of whether or not they are any good at the associated champion. Add to the mix a champion like Jayce that is already prone to snowball deaths and you get a 44.30% loss rate

For more information on Arcane or any series associated promotions, visit Riot's official FAQ page.
Warcraft 3 is my one true love and I will challenge anyone to a game of Super Smash Brothers Melee.
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