These guys don’t know how to trashtalk.
ㄴ I miss Piglet and Imp.

LCK first-ever tag team match is about to start!

Jonnastrong is going for a higher payoff!
ㄴ I miss Jopssal
ㄴ Someone finally picked a different team!
ㄴ Everyone was wrong up to now… Someone will get it right this time!
I thought Nuguri didn’t have any tank champions on his account?!
ㄴ Ornn doesn’t die even if Jhin hits him for a whole year

Bot lane items…
ㄴ I don’t remember when a bot laner bought boots and 4 potions
ㄴ Deft’s record on Jhin isn’t very good…

Syndra isn’t a bad champion…
ㄴ It’s just that LCK sucks…
The LPL fought from the beginning so much… Why is LCK like this?
ㄴ I bet first blood will come after 25 minutes
ㄴ DRX is going to lose for not making anything happen in the early game

ㄴNuguri did everything in that teamfight
ㄴThere goes the game for DRX

Chovy: Going through~ bye!
ㄴ LUL so fast
ㄴ That Akali can do nothing now
Ornn has the ocean dragon soul. This is over now
ㄴ DRX can’t even kill Volibear. There’s no way they can kill Ornn
ㄴ Jhin has to hit Ornn without any damage loss for a whole minute to kill him
So this was DAMWON’s plan… Picking Caitlyn to make DRX pick Jhin and then play a hard tank.
ㄴ Seemed to have worked really well

Nuguri vs DRX

???: How did you get to practice Ornn?
Nuguri: The schedule was really helpful

Game 1 summary
ㄴ DAMWON hit hard with a shield
*Chovy gets double kill*
ㄴ Chovy got two kills. It’s over.
ㄴㄴ Way too early to say that
Nuguri carrying the team again
ㄴ First tower at 9 minutes… BoRK too…
ㄴ It surely started in DRX’s favor, but DAMWON took priority little by little
*Game paused*
DRX attempting pause attack LMAO
ㄴ cvMax can’t win three games in one day. They need to stall
ㄴㄴ They took down Gen.G that way
Chovy isn’t doing much
ㄴ Top, jungle, and support are roaming mid continuously. What’s he supposed to do?

???: Our strategy is to stall the game until midnight
ㄴ And Chovy of midnight takes over

Remember when Ghost carried this game?
ㄴ What up with this?
ㄴㄴ Kalista bugged and can’t jump
I thought Ghost just hopped on the DWG bus, but he’s really good
ㄴ DWG and Ghost was a perfect match
ㄴ He’d be the best ADC in the league if Ruler wasn’t here

New skin, Pausefire Ezreal
ㄴㄴ Deft is Gift this game for DWG

BeryL is amazing
ㄴThat toss…

???: Ghost, you’ve grown. See you at Worlds!

Ghost is playing Draven!
ㄴHis Draven was really good when it was meta
If Gen.G reached the finals, it would have been more fun
ㄴ A loss is a loss, what can you do
ㄴㄴ There’s no IF in LOL
ㄴ If T1 reached the finals…
ㄴㄴ They would’ve gotten 1447’ed
*Nuguri gets first blood and kills Lillia afterward*
Nuguri is way too good
ㄴTop difference
ㄴNuguri slaughtered the top side
ㄴIs he a top laner or jungler?! He’s being awesome

Wadid… You were right…
ㄴWhat did he say?
ㄴㄴ He said DRX jungle and top were bubbles

Jankos was surprised at this play
ㄴYou gotta love Jankos
ㄴㄴ Seeing that play, anyone would’ve reacted like that

I’m so happy to see Nuclear happy
ㄴI miss him, but Ghost is doing too well

ShowMaker reached 8/0/8
ㄴ It was ShowMaker who did that instead of Chovy lmao
DAMWON Gaming wins the championship!!!
ㄴ They’re also going to Worlds!
ㄴㄴ I can’t wait to see Nuguri against the world again!
- [News] DAMWON Gaming sweeps DRX 3-0 to become the 2020 LCK Summer champions and LCK's 1st seed for Worlds
- [Reactions] KR Reactions: "These guys don’t know how to trashtalk. I miss Piglet and Imp."
- [Interview] DWG Nuguri named Finals MVP: "At Worlds, I’ll make sure to play more aggressive champions to tear through my enemies like a sword.”
- [Interview] DWG Zefa: "I’ll do my best to bring the throne back to the LCK. Our goal is to win the World Championship."
- [Press Conference] DWG ShowMaker: "TES Knight inspired me to play Syndra tonight. He's a very good player, and he's the player that I'm most worried about."
- [Photo] Photo News - Sights from the LCK Finals with DWG
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