On the 1st (KST), DRX took down Afreeca Freecs with a set score of 2-0 in the 2020 LCK Summer split. The jungler for DRX, Pyosik, was able to save his team from potential defeat by stealing baron nashor from AF’s grasp. Pyosik stated that the most important upcoming match in the Summer split will be the one against T1, and promises to deliver a better performance in the days to come.
The following is Pyosik’s press room interview at LoL Park, Seoul.
DRX was able to bounce back from the loss against DAMWON Gaming today. How do you feel?
Although it feels good to win, our performance wasn’t that great. I don’t feel too good about the victory today. We weren’t on the same page in game 1. We knew that we still had a lot to work on, based on the miscommunication.
The loss against DWG must’ve stung quite a bit. It was quite a shocking defeat, so what did the team talk about afterwards?
The coaching staff and the players talked a lot about the draft. While the players thought the draft was disappointing, the coaching staff said the same, but about our gameplay. I personally didn’t do everything that I needed to do in-game, so I’m always running simulations in my head on how I can reduce my mistakes.
What did you learn from the match against DWG? In which way did you find yourself improving?
When we have mid-jungle/top-jungle priority, I learned that as a jungler, I need to be proactively taking the fight to the enemy. During feedback, we were told, “Our upper lanes are not inferior to DWG in any way, so why can’t we do what they do?” I started thinking a lot about my play since then.
AF shows a level of dominance that mimics DWG over the bottom tier teams, but fails to do so against the top teams. What is the difference between the two teams?
I think that the depth in gameplay is what’s really different between the two teams.
How do you rate your gameplay in today’s match?
Honestly, I want to give myself an 8/10 in game 1, but less than 5 in game 2. The baron steal and the 2 vs 2 at lvl 6 is something I’m satisfied with.
Spirit continues to utilize Poppy in the jungle. What is your take on Poppy jungle?
It’s a good pick to counter champions with lots of mobility, but I personally don’t want to play her. There are many other champions that fit me well, so I think I’ll play other champions.
There were many instances where you initiated on Sejuani, so can you tell us what the comms were like?
Whenever I’m in range, I just pull the trigger. Whenever I initiate, I have complete trust in my team to follow up well.
In your opinion, what is the most important upcoming match in the Summer split?
While they’re all important, I think that in order to come in 1st or 2nd, we absolutely need to beat T1.
Whenever you’re not on camera, you seem like you lost all the confidence in the world. Is there a reason why you seem this way?
I’m confident while I’m playing, but my level of confidence goes down before I play. I think that the worries of losing the match and making in-game mistakes is what’s causing it. That’s why the mistakes I make seem to linger in my head more than what I did well.
Lastly, a word to your fans?
We’ll make sure to prepare well for all of our upcoming matches.
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