On the 25th (KST), DRX and Gen.G displayed the most exciting match of the 2020 League of Legends Champions Korea Summer Split. The two teams fought fiercely throughout the three games, but it was DRX who came up on top. It was mid laner Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon and top laner Choi “Doran” Hyeon-joon who stood out in the match. They were voted as players of the game and were interviewed by the analyst desk after the match.
It was a very difficult game. What did you think during the match?
Chovy: It may have been exciting for the spectators, but for the players, it was really tiring. I thought a lot about how to deal with the situations.
Doran: Since it was an important match, I really wanted to win. I thought we might lose at a certain point, but it’s a relief that we won.
Gen.G focused their bans in mid lane in game 2. There were five mid champions banned.
Chovy: Actually, since there are so many champions that I use, I didn’t realize that it was five mid bans. Now I know.
How is the Galio vs Zoe matchup?
Chovy: I think there are more things that Galio can do. If Galio can endure Zoe’s Q with his W, the Q damage only gives about 100 damage, so Zoe gets powerless.
You played Phase Rush on Twisted Fate. Was there a specific reason?
Chovy: Since there were many champions that have slow like Ashe, Sejuani, and Braum, I thought Phase Rush would be a better choice.
Game 1’s last fight was amazing. You didn’t speak a word and concentrated.
Chovy: I really didn’t have time to talk, and I was busy seeing how I could make the situation better. I couldn’t say everything in that situation; I just said, “Can you help?” when I went in.
You’re one of the top 3 mid laners in the LCK. Is there anything that you think that you’re better than the others?
Chovy: I’m not sure. Rather than just one thing, I want to become better than them in all areas so I’m always doing my best.
How was the feedback after game 2?
Chovy: It was that Camille and Twisted Fate’s side lanes were hard to deal with.
Doran: Camille and Twisted Fate were really hard to face.
DRX is in 1st place, but you don’t get that many objectives in the early game. Is there a reason?
Doran: We do want to get them, but it seems that we’re not that good at taking them… We might need to try harder.
In games 1 and 2, the team with Camille won. You gave Gen.G Camille in game 3, but were you confident that you’ll win with Kennen?
Doran: Camille has good synergy with Twisted Fate and Galio, but since they didn’t have those champions, I was able to play more comfortably in game 3.
Your next match is against DAMWON Gaming. How are you planning to play against ShowMaker?
Chovy: I don’t think any special strategy will work against ShowMaker. I just need to do my best to win with my own ability.
Doran will be meeting Nuguri.
Doran: Nuguri is really scary… [Laughs] But if I do well, I think I’ll win.
Lastly, to the fans?
Chovy: There were things that we lacked today. We’ll improve those parts and show good performances in the match against DAMWON Gaming.
Doran: I feel really good that we won today. If we prepare for our next match well and win that too, I’ll feel even better.
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