Today’s cartoon is about the various corporations that are investing in the LCK with franchising just over the horizon.
In preparation for franchising in the LCK, various corporations are starting to invest into the LCK teams. From luxurious car brands announcing partnerships with Gen.G, T1, and DRX, APK Prince (now known as SeolHaeOne Prince) announced the partnership with SeolHaeOne, a luxurious golf resort. Recently, Nongshim and Korea Yakult, the ‘big players’ of the food industry in Korea, announced partnerships with Team Dynamics and Brion Blade (now known as hyfresh Blade) respectively. Aside from these partnerships, Samsung Electronics, Logitech, PUMA, and Nike, which are all names that most people are familiar with, have all partnered up with various teams in the LCK.
The franchising in the LCK is drawing more and different corporations into participation. For teams that need vision and capital, such investments from corporations are desperately needed, and in order for these corporations to appeal to the younger consumer market, esports and franchising within the LCK is a perfect method of approach.
With such investments, not only did teams with strong backings became even stronger, those that desperately needed investments, like with Team Dynamics and hyFresh Blade, were able to become contenders for franchising. However, standings within the league and capital aren’t the only thing that’s important for franchising. With tight financial backing, teams need to clearly make their statement on their future goals and the possibility of the team’s longevity within the esports industry, and rise above the competition against other teams.
What kind of investment news will come, and which team will rise above the competition to be accepted into franchising? With hopes of more and different international corporations reaching out into the LCK, I hope to see the welfare and the standards improve greatly as well.
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