On the 20th, in the 2020 League of Legends Champions Korea Sprint Split Playoffs, DragonX faced DAMWON Gaming. It was a close 3-2 victory for DragonX as they managed to win the last game. DragonX will now head to the next round against T1. In the match, Jeong “Chovy” Ji-hoon and Kim “Deft” Hyuk-kyu were voted as players of the games and were interviewed.
How do you feel about today’s win?
Deft: If we had played better in Game 3, it would have been a cleaner victory. It still fells better than losing though.
Chovy: My head’s blank because maybe I worked too hard.
The picks and bans were mostly similar today and DragonX only played blue side.
Deft: It felt that DAMWON’s bot prepared a draft that would affect the top side rather than the laning phase. We thought that our draft was right, so we just picked similarly.
DragonX gave Irelia to Doran in the last game. What did you discuss?
Deft: I don’t know why Doran’s Irelia is devalued, but he’s good. We just trusted him.
Chovy’s Irelia was quite good too, but how was Doran’s Irelia today?
Chovy: (Laughs) I don’t want to say that it was better than mine.
When Deft had the 1v2 kill early in Game 5, how did it feel? How did your teammates react?
Deft: More than thinking that we won after killing, I thought we would lose if I died. It was a situation where I would die no matter what if the opponent did well, but they were a bit careless so I was able to make the best out of the situation. I don’t remember how my teammates reacted though.
Chovy: I just said, “Oh wow”. I needed to think about what I should do.
Weren’t you worried about your teammates that haven’t played many Bo5s before?
Deft: I don’t think they lack too much Bo5 experience. We often play scrims in Bo5s.
(To Chovy) You would have bad memories with Bo5s. Do you think it’ll go well this year?
Chovy: It’s just playing more games; I don’t see much difference.
Deft has aged a bit. Aren’t you tired after playing all five games?
Chovy: Looking at his face, Deft looks tired. I can play another game.
Deft: I think five games is the maximum for me (Laughs).
Your next match is against T1.
Deft: We probably beat all the teams except T1 during the regular season. Since we haven’t won against them, if we win, we’ll have a better momentum. We’ll prepare well to win.
Chovy: It feels that I’ve lost to T1 a lot. It would be awesome to win this time, so I’ll do my best.
A managing editor who can do more things than you think.
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