On the 12th (KST), DragonX took down Afreeca Freecs in Round 2 of the 2020 LCK Spring with a set score of 2-0. Although Afreeca managed to avoid the Relegations Tournament, their hopes to make it into playoffs has been denied, while DRX goes on a six match win streak and is now at second place of the LCK standings, overtaking T1.
Chovy, the Mid laner for DRX and one of the two players that was named POG of the series, joined Inven for a post-match interview.
How do you feel about tonight’s victory?
We had to finish strong in two of the matches left in the regular season, and I’m glad that we did well in one of them so far,
DRX is now back in 2nd place of the regular season. Don’t you wanna aim for a bit more?
Although I do want to be higher in the standings, it’s ultimately our fault for not properly managing our win/loss points, so it is what it is. Also, rather than thinking too much into our regular season standings, we’re looking ahead and preparing for playoffs.
After you recently played Azir, it seems that it’s a pick that you’ve been utilizing a lot.
Recently, Azir feels like he’s a champion that I can pick blind when I’m playing on the Blue side. We usually pick Azir when we want to pick a Mid Champion early and form a team composition around it.
What was the reason behind Doran’s Irelia pick in Game 2?
It’s a pick that’s good against Jayce. We should’ve helped him get past Irelia’s poor early laning phase, we lost a lot when I tried to match Galio’s roam to the Top Lane, and continued to fall behind from there.
You’ve conquered the Summoner’s Rift as Aatrox in Game 3.
The enemy first picked Ornn, and when we picked Aatrox to match him, they also took Galio. I realized that I can carry the game by playing him in the Mid lane, so that’s how I ended up playing him. Although I like how I played overall, I’m not too happy with how I died in the enemy base in the later stages of the game. We wanted to pull the enemy into our zone to skirmish them and win, but I couldn’t pull out properly and ended up dying.
With being named POG in Game 3 of the series, you now have the most amount of POG points.
I’m not too interested in being named POG of the regular season. I just watch the POG standings for fun.
The team’s now on a six match winning streak, and the momentum is at an all time high for DRX.
That’s right. Everyone’s playing very well. However, our synergy, although it’s still being honed, is not on the same level as other teams, but I believe that we can only get better from here.
Next match against APK Prince is the last match of the regular season.
Although APK seemed like a weak team in the beginning, they’re now a very strong team. Just because they’re APK, we’ll play as if we’re playing highly ranked teams, and prepare for the enemy’s various strategies.
Lastly, any words you’d like to say to your fans?
I’ll make sure to maintain the form I’m at to close out the regular season well. I’d like to thank the fans that continue to support me, and I hope that they stay healthy. A special shoutout to cvMax, the coaching staff, the DRX management, and my teammates for always helping me.
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