On the 4th (KST), DragonX faced off against DAMWON Gaming in the 2020 LCK Spring Split. With a set score of 2-0, DRX managed to take down DWG and take the match victory home. Through an incredibly balanced team composition in game 1 and seemingly outclassing their opponents in game 2, they now have 7 match victories under their belt and now chase after Gen.G and T1, the top dogs of the LCK standings.
Due to the Corona19 outbreak, DRX conducted a self-interview to talk about tonight’s match victory.
Thoughts on the victory?
CvMax: I really wanted to win tonight, and I’m glad that we did. I’m satisfied with the team’s performance as well. I saw a couple of mistakes made due to the team being over-excited, but in the bigger picture of things, it was enjoyable to watch.
Chovy: If we lost tonight, I wouldn’t have been able to sleep properly for 3 weeks. I’m glad that I get to sleep well.
Orianna scaled really well tonight. How do you see the Orianna vs Zoe matchup?
Chovy: I tried really hard to not let Zoe recall. Olaf killed Zoe a lot in the early game, so I had an easy time in lane.
Watching ‘Off the Record’, it seemed that the team was over-excited. Are you worried about this?
Chovy: Hearing the Aatrox ultimate sound effect continuously go off in a teamfight made me very excited. I had no choice but to get excited.
You received MVP today. You were set behind early and the game seemed like a loss, but you managed to 1 vs 2 the enemy.
Pyosik: Chovy whittled down Zoe’s HP bar, so I was able to 1 vs 2.
What’s the secret behind flashing over skillshots?
Pyosik: I have really good eyesight. All you have to do is just look, and hit Flash when the skillshot comes flying at you.
Every game, you die in the weirdest spots.
Pyosik: That’s my fault. I won’t make the same mistake ever again. I should’ve pushed mid and backed off. I also became very excited when I heard Aatrox’s ult sounds go off, so I made a mistake.
CvMax, how does it feel to watch yourself give such strong feedback on the big screen?
Pyosik: It’s pretty traumatic. Because it was on broadcast, only 1/10 was captured.
CvMax: Overall, the feedback was pretty good. Since we’re deeply invested emotionally, I think the feedback may have seemed a little strong.
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