There are many cards in Legends of Runeterra, and each have their own stats and effects to make them unique. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the card game genre, to learn all these effects. That’s why we’re dissecting all the keywords in a series of guides. In this one we’re taking a look at Strongest and Weakest.
Not many cards work with the terms Strongest and Weakest—three in total. It’s important to understand what they refer to, though, as those three cards can greatly impact the board. If a card targets the ‘Strongest’ enemy, it targets the enemy unit in play with the highest attack power value. If two units share the highest attack value, the health they have left is compared and the one with most health left is chosen as the strongest. If the health total is a tie too, the mana cost is compared, with the highest costing unit being deemed as Strongest. If literally everything is equal, the target is chosen at random.
The opposite goes for cards that target the ‘Weakest’. The target-picking process is the same: attack power is the initial determining factor, then health total left, then mana cost. But instead of looking for the highest values, Weakest targets the units with the lowest values. Below are the three cards currently in Legends of Runeterra that work with either the Strongest or Weakest mechanic.

Images via Riot Games.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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