There are many cards in Legends of Runeterra, and each have their own stats and effects to make them unique. It can be overwhelming, especially if you’re new to the card game genre, to learn all these effects. That’s why we’re dissecting all the keywords in a series of guides. In this one we’re taking a look at Challenger.
Challenger is a keyword you can only used while on the offense. Normally, whenever you line up your attackers, it’s your opponent who gets to decide which one of his units he defends with, and where they’re placed. When you play a unit with Challenger, however, it’s different. You get to decide which enemy unit your Challenger unit will face off against: you simply drag the enemy unit in front of yours.
There are multiple uses for Challenger. If you want to get damage in on the enemy Nexus, use Challenger to drag the enemies biggest blockers in front of the Challenger unit, so your high-attack units can inflict critical damage. Other times you want to soften up an enemy, and kill them off with a spell after the combat phase. The Challenger keyword is multifaceted, at times a difficult one to use, but very potent one if used well. Below are a few examples of units with Challenger.

Images via Riot Games.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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