Legends of Runeterra is Riot Games’ collectible card game, set in the same universe as League of Legends. A large part of the champions found in League of Legends have been split across six factions in Legends of Runeterra, namely: Demacia, Freljord, Ionia, Noxus, Piltover and Zaun, Shadow Isles, and Bilgewater. In this article we’ll take a look at the four champions from Demacia, their second level, their Champion Spells and any other cards related to them.
On the official map of Runeterra, Demacia is described as follows: “Demacia is a proud, lawful kingdom with a prestigious military history. Founded as a refuge from magic after the Rune Wars, some might suggest that the golden age of Demacia has passed, unless it proves able to adapt to a changing world. Self-sufficient and agrarian, its society is inherently defensive and insular, valuing justice, honor, and duty above all else.”

Lucian is the cheapest of the Demacian champions, sitting at merely two mana. With three attack points and two health he’s also among the squishiest of all champions in the game, but that doesn’t at all mean that he’s useless. Lucian shines in the early game through his Quick Attack ability, allowing him to strike before the opponent does if Lucian’s on the attacking side. This means that every unit at three or less health will die, while Lucian walks away unscathed.
While Demacia, like the other factions, officially has four champions, you’ll find it hard to play Lucian in a deck without his wife Senna. The two have a clear synergy. Moreover, although Senna technically cannot level up, her gaining a +1/+1 bonus and a new effect if Lucian dies, makes her at least half a champion.
Lucian’s and Senna’s Quick Attack upgrades to the Double Attack keyword once their requirements are met. If you thought Quick Attack was good, you’ll love Double Attack. It’s not a difficult one to grasp: after Lucian or Senna has attacked with the Quick Attack skill, a regular attack follows, simultaneous with the opponent’s attack.
If you happen to have a Lucian in play and draw another copy, he turns into his Champion Spell Relentless Pursuit. Like all Champion Spells, it shuffles a copy of its champion into the deck. Relentless Pursuit ready’s your attack as well, giving you another attack token to line up even more units for combat.

If you like to finish games using alternative strategies, Fiora will be right up your alley. The sword fighter is slightly sturdier than Lucian is, but still dies relatively easily with three health. Thankfully, using the Challenger trait, she can pick whichever enemy she wants to battle when she’s dragged into combat.
You’ll probably need to maximize the use of Challenger to level op Fiora and win the game using her. Once she has killed two enemies and survived the damage, she levels up. Aside from the +1/+1 bonus every champion gets upon upgrading, she gets a lethal ability. When any Fiora on your side has attacked and survived four enemies, you win the game. If the same Fiora you used to level up is still alive, that means you only need to kill two more enemies with her. For other Fioras you summon during the game, the counter is reset.
To help Fiora (or another ally) survive, her Champion Spell grants immediate protection and an attack buff. It’s a burst spell, meaning you can cast it whenever you want without your opponent having the chance to prevent the effect.

Despite her low attack power and health for her cost, Quinn is one of the most aggressive champions in the Demacia region. Her Scout ability allows her and the allies present on board to attack twice per round, giving you an opportunity to clear the board first, and then deal direct damage to the enemy Nexus. With her ability to summon Valor, you can make sure that the strongest enemy unit won't try to block Quinn and take her out, as Valor bears the Challenger keyword.
Once you've attacked four times while Quinn is on the board, she levels up. She receives the standard +1/+1 boost to her stats, making her a bit stronger. It's her ability, however, that increases dangerously much. Every time Quinn attacks, she summons a Valor card in play which automatically Challenges the strongest enemy unit. This means that, if Quinn goes uncontested, you could theoretically swarm your board with Valors. Quinn can push through a lot of damage in her leveled-up state, and warrants all your attention.
If you already have a Quinn in play and you draw another one from your deck, it transforms in her champion spell Blinding Assault. It's a very simple spell that summons a Valor for you, which can be useful if there are multiple strong units on the opponent's side which you want to avoid hitting your Quinn. It's a slow spell, however, meaning you can only cast it outside of combat.

Higher up the list of Demacian champions sits Garen, a robust champion able to kill most things that face him. With five attack power Garen takes control over the midgame, and won't go easily. His five health make him difficult to get rid off too. But that's not the only reason why Garen can be a nuisance to the opponent. On top of the fantastic stat line, Garen boasts the Regeneration keyword, restoring him to full health at the start of the round.
The trait comes in handy if you’re looking to level up Garen, as he’ll need to survive quite a bit of damage. He needs to strike twice—blocking an enemy doesn’t count. Once that’s been achieved he gets the usual +1/+1 boost but gains an additional feature too. He’ll ready your attack at the start of the round, allowing for an offensive push.
If you already have a Garen in play and draw another one, it’ll turn into Garen’s Judgment. It’s among the most powerful Area of Effect (AoE) cards in the game. Upon casting, any ally in play will deal its attack damage to all enemies on board. It’s a strong tool for both offensive and defensive uses, but it does come at the high price of eight mana.

In terms of raw stats, Lux is extremely weak for her cost. Four attack power and five health is very little for a six mana price. Lux does have Barrier to make up for her weak stats, protecting her from the first damage source.
Lux's real power unlocks once she levels up. In order to do so, you have to have played six mana worth of spells while Lux was on the board to witness it; whether you play one big spell or multiple small ones doesn't matter. Upon reaching her second level Lux gets a +1/+1 buff, another Barrier (if her old one was destroyed), and starts generating Final Sparks. These zero mana spells can only be cast outside of combat, but do quite a bit of damage: four damage to the target, and any excess damage is dealt directly to the enemy Nexus.
Lux’s Champion Spell is simple, yet effective. Should you find yourself in the position where one of your vital units are about to die, Prismatic Barrier is a swift solution. At just three mana it’s also a great enabler for Lux to level up.
Images via Riot Games.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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