Riot Games is back with another Developer Chalenge, and this time it's for a game that's not even out yet: the collectible card game Legends of Runeterra. The game, which will have its second beta test period next week, is the second standalone Riot Games will be making, and they're calling upon the help of the community. The publisher already worked with Mobalytics for a card gallery, deck builder and Twitch extension, but is basically asking the community: What else have you got?
Up to five people may group up for the challenge, which lasts until November 8th, 10 AM Pacific Time. Then the vetting process starts, with those who pass the first round being granted access to the next Legends of Runeterra preview, starting on November 14th.

The more thorough vetting process lasts a bit longer, with the finalists being placed in front of the Legends of Runeterra developers so they can weigh in. The three values contestants should keep in mind most when creating the application for Legends of Runterra are: Value (how useful it is), Novelty (think out of the box), and Polish (make it look good).
The winners will be rewarded with an iPhone 11 and Samsung Galaxy Tab S6 per team member, so you don't have to worry that one teammate who did nothing will run away with your shiny new gear. Click here for the rules of the Developer Challenge. To sign up, click here.
Storyteller by heart. If something is competitive, I am interested in it.
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