The second new champion from the Call of the Mountain set in Legends of Runeterra has been revealed. On Friday, Riot Games showed Lulu, alongside 11 new cards from the expansion.
Lulu is an Ionia support champion, much in the same vein as Taric. Her effect has "value" written all over and she really can fit a number of archetypes.
- Ionia champion
- 3 mana
- 2/3
- Support: My supported ally grows up to 4/4 this round
- Level up: Our allies have been supported 3+ times
Lulu, level 2
- 3 mana
- 3/4
- Round start: Creating a Fleeting Help, Pix! in hand. Support: My supported ally grows up to 5/5 this round
From what we can tell, Lulu could potentially fit a lot of archetypes in Legends of Runeterra. Her buffing power can turn Elise spiders into a serious threat, so she might see play in Shadow Isles/Ionia decks. On the other hand, she could also fit in Demacia decks which already use army buffing cards like War Chefs. Her temporary buff can also help champions like Fiora trade better, providing a sort of healing effect.
The rest of the cards revealed today fit the Lulu team: they are all small units that can grow fat with Lulu's help. Help, Pix! is one of the strongest cards in the mix, giving a cheap Barrier/Vulnerable for just 1 mana. Whimsy! is a utility removal for Ionia, which turns a potentially game-winning follower into a silenced 1/1 Squirrel for one turn — just enough time to get rid of that massive They Who Endure or an annoying Last Breath follower.
Help, Pix!
- 1 mana
- Burst spell
- Grant an ally Barrier or an enemy Vulnerable this round. Can't be cast in combat or response to a spell.
Lulu's Whimsy!
- 4 mana
- Burst spell
- Transform a follower into a 1/1 Squirrel and Silence it this round. Shuffle a Lulu into your deck.
- Follower
- 1 mana
- 1/1
- Follower
- 1 mana
- 0/1
- Support: Give my supported ally +2/+1 this round.
Fae Guide
- Follower
- 4 mana
- 3/3
- Play: Grant an ally Elusive
Startled Stomper
- Follower
- 2 mana
- 2/3
- Overwhelm
Young Witch
- Follower
- 2 mana
- 1/1
- Elusive
- Support: Give my supported aly Quick Attack and +1/+0 this round
Flower Child
- Follower
- 1 mana
- 1/2
- When I'm supported, grand me +2/+0
Fuzzy Caretaker
- Follower
- 4 mana
- 3/3
- When I'm supported, give me +0/+3 this round
- Support: Give my Supported ally +3/+0 this round
Tasty Faefolk
- Follower
- 3 mana
- 4/2
- Lifesteal
Swole Squirrel
- Follower
- 4 mana
- 3/4
- Strike: Double my power
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