League of Legends patch 25.06 is here, and the update is filled with new content alongside balance changes. Such tweaks can drastically change the meta, including in the mid-lane, and most players will want to play with the most powerful champion to increase their odds of winning.
While there are plenty of balance changes to go through in patch 25.06’s notes, there are other highlight changes that directly impact the gameplay experience. The Champion Bounty Suppression got considerably reduced and even removed in scenarios where your team is behind.
The penalties that were added to discourage lane swapping in LoL with a previous patch are also being eased, so there should be more variety in patch 25.06 matches. Since patch 25.06 went live in League, the following champions proved their power in the mid-lane with their pick and win rates topping the charts.

Ahri remains one of the safest mid lane picks in League of Legends, at the time of writing. She may lack that one-shot burst damage that some mages can offer, but Ahri works splendidly when it comes to taking over objectives.
In high-rank matches, Ahri is often preferred for her ability to start fights and catch enemies off guard. If you already have champions who can output high amounts of damage to your team, Ahri can be an excellent choice since you can easily set up take-offs for your team with her mobility and crowd control abilities. Ahri averages an 11 percent pick rate with a win rate above 51 percent in most skill tiers.

Sylas is one of the rare LoL champions who can be considered strong at all stages of a match. While he can be considered a situational pick, there will always be an ultimate ability that will be worth stealing on the enemy team.
Most players utilize Sylas’ quick wave-clearing potential and mobility to capitalize on various opportunities around the map. Sylas can react to fights and skirmishes near mid-lane, making him a constant threat. Sylas currently has a pick rate of 10 percent in high-rank matches, with a win rate of 50 percent.

Yone combines sustained DPS, mobility, and survivability together. His kit allows him to be a powerhouse in both the early and late game stages. Yone is a versatile pick in various matchups, as he can both shred through tanks and quickly take down carries.
The only downside of Yone is that he’s a high-skill ceiling champion. Players may need to master his precise mechanics to get the most out of him, and this shows in Yone’s win rates. The champion’s win rate spikes to 51 percent in the Challenger tier, and Yasuo maintains a high pick rate in all tiers.

Regardless of the meta, Orianna finds a way to retain her relevancy. This mage has everything a champion needs ranging from wave clear to crowd control. Orianna is commonly picked in professional matches due to how she excels in teamfights.
While Orianna averages a pick rate of five percent around the world, she seems to be especially more popular in the South Korean region, with a pick rate close to 10 percent. Orianna’s win rate also sees a small bump in Asia, with her win rates pushing toward 53 percent in tiers Master and above.

Yasuo’s exceptional mobility makes him a great mid-laner. His kit makes him quite difficult to pin down, and he can buy quite a bit of time to turn around early ganks. Yasuo owes most of his success to his ability to snowball with early-game leads.
While Yasuo can easily navigate dangerous situations with his defensive tools, he can also shove lanes, force fights, and help side lanes when needed. Yasuo currently averages a pick area of seven percent and above in higher skill tiers, with a win rate exceeding 51.5 percent.
With League of Legends’ fearless draft promising more variety in pro-play, we might start seeing new strategies and champions, meaning the names on our tier lists could change with new strategies emerging.
- Gökhan Çakır
- Email : gokhancakir@live.com
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