If there’s one thing we’re terrified of, it’s being trapped in a room-filling up with water. But if we were to have a second fear, it would be creepy dolls. So to help us get over our pediophobia, this week’s Fan Art Friday will be focused around League of Legends scissor-wielding stuffed striker, Gwen. Check out the full gallery here but here are the highlights below!

First to be featured is this wonderful splash from artist Prangty on DeviantArt, shown above. There’s a lot of great motion in the art, from the flare of Gwen’s dress to the thread’s flowing framing. We love the muted tones in this piece, which add to the creepy atmosphere and take away a little bit of the vocaloid comparisons.

Packed with Tim Burton vibes, this unsettling image from linhchi162699 takes their art in the opposite direction. A blank stare and semi-bemused expression remind us that we’re really just witnessing a spirit-driven shell. A small Coraline doll is also a nice touch, complete with button eyes.

This image was very different from the others we saw in the first round of Gwen art and we couldn’t wait to share it. Artist changmoonmi’s style is packed with sketchy lines that give an organic vibe to the digital piece. The pose is also very unique and makes for an interesting and effective composition.

Going back to a more Riot-stylized work is this piece from JulietGarciaArt (whose other League art is equally beautiful). This piece really popped for us because of the textures they were able to create on the fabric. The satin is packed with intricate folds and just the right amount of sheen. Such great attention to detail!

Artists tackle difficult emotions and situations. For instance, in this piece, the artist skullchimes helps us consider the unimaginable: “What if Kirby was also Gwen?” It’s an important question to ask, and I’m glad someone was brave enough to do it.

As artist cheesewoo states, “She's not a puppet though.” We understand, but the visual of Gwen being controlled by Veigo with strings is perfectly haunting. Does he still control her? Will be able to snip her own threads? The narrative is strong in this piece.

Now, something a little brighter. Whoo! This stunning portrait from DeviantArt artist KeydoBurakai features a focus on lighting and shadow. The glow from the seams on Gwen’s neck emanates an eerie turquoise that reflects on her spiraling hair and chin. This is contrasted by a warm light from above; perhaps Gwen is being let out of the box?

Finally, the last piece in this feature (don’t forget you can see more here) is the battle of the blades everyone has been waiting for. Saposh’s action scene is packed with dramatic lines of action. Will Camille get in a lucky kick? Will Gwen snip this fight in the bud? We’d tune in and watch this fight, anyday!
Well, that’s it for this week’s Fan Art Friday! We hope you enjoyed it!
As always, let us know what you think on social media, and tell us what Fan Art you would like to see featured in coming weeks!
- Matt B.
- Email : ggmattb@invenculture.com
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