With the world-wide release of Persona 5 Strikers, we found ourselves slipping back into the Metaverse. Am I totally uncomfortable in my all-latex Phantom Thieves look, yes; I wish my rebel soul was as into hoodies and 90s streetwear as I am. But it doesn’t matter! Here is this week’s Fan Art Friday—with minimal chafing.

You can’t go wrong with art from wickedalucard. Any piece from this artist is going to have an awesome amount of detail. Look at this depth in the classroom, look at the shells along Skull’s leg! We also love that Joker is drawn in shadow, keeping them more mysterious as they clutch their blade.

The artist SOZOMAIKA never disappoints in their incredible portraits. It was a tough pick between their Makoto and Ann, but the student council president got our vote in the end. Maika’s attention to texture shines in this piece, using it to deliver tone and contrast.

We’ve shared work from Ladowska before, and it’s hard not to share from the same artist again as her marker-work truly shines. Check out the glimmer in the hair, the slight reflection on the frames of the glasses, the depth of the fur collar; traditional art like this is magical!

A stunning illusion, this picture of Takemi is exactly what we want from the deathly doctor. Artist qosic of DeviantArt did a great job of presenting atmosphere in this digital painting; the scene illuminated by a series of x-rays. The steam coming off of Takemi’s mug also gives off an incense-esque feeling, adding a bit of mysticism to the fan art.

Disharmonica’s cosplay is always top-tier, and this explosive Ann image is the perfect fusion of game and craft. While the game’s battle system obviously draws the eye, the details like the whip going out of focus and the mirroring of Anne in the windows behind (without showing the camera set-up) alludes to the level of production in the shoot.

One of the most exciting parts of the Persona series is that there’s another reality living atop ours at all times. This stunning work from Orioto explores that very idea, a brilliant blue of the metaverse energy cutting through the franchise’s trademark white/back/red theme. The fish-eye warp helps deliver an even more unsettling feel, centering focus on the impending meeting.

Another gorgeous group shot is this collection of confidants created by jiuge. We love the colors across this art, really exploring a broad spectrum of tones and vibrancies. If we were about to steal someone’s heart, this would surely be on our calling card.
We hope you enjoyed this feature, and encourage you to check out the
full Persona 5 fan art gallery on DeviantArt.
- Matt B.
- Email : ggmattb@invenculture.com
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