Hero Info
Agent of Overwatch

Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer"), is both an adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. With the ability to alter her own time at will, she fights the good fight wherever she goes--even the Nexus. Don't worry, loves. The cavalry's finally here.
Tracer is FREE to purchasers of Overwatch™: Origins Edition

Agent of Overwatch
Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer"), is both an adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. With the ability to alter her own time at will, she fights the good fight wherever she goes--even the Nexus. Don't worry, loves. The cavalry's finally here.
Tracer is FREE to purchasers of Overwatch™: Origins Edition
Blink [Q ]
Charge Cooldown: 9 secondsDash towards an area.
Stores up to 3 charges. -
Melee [W ]
Cooldown: 8 secondsDeal 229 damage to a nearby enemy, prioritizing Heroes. Gain 5% Pulse Bomb charge when using Melee against an enemy, and 10% against Heroes. -
Recall [E ]
Cooldown: 30 secondsTracer returns to the position she was at 3 seconds ago, refilling her ammo, and removing all negative status effects from herself. -
Pulse Bomb [R ]
Fire a short range bomb that can attach to an enemy if it hits them. The bomb explodes after 2 seconds dealing 382 damage to them and 191 damage to other nearby enemies.
This Ability is slowly charged over time by dealing damage to enemies with Basic Attacks and Melee. -
Reload [D ]
Tracer can Basic Attack while moving, and after attacking 10 times she needs to reload over 0.75 seconds. Tracer can manually reload early by activating Reload.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
1332 | 5.5453 | - | - | 28 | 5.5 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Reduces Reload time by 50%. This equals 20% more damage per second.
If an entire ammo magazine is unloaded on an enemy, the last bullet will deal 95 bonus damage. This is equal to 35% of the total magazine.
Reactivate Reload within the last 50% of its cast time to increase Tracer's Basic Attack damage by 40% for that magazine.
Reduces Melee's cooldown by 3 seconds. Hitting an enemy with Melee who is stuck with a Pulse Bomb causes the bomb to instantly explode and knocks the target away.
Recall's cooldown is increased by 8 seconds, but it heals Tracer equal to the amount of Health she lost during that time.
Successfully sticking a Pulse Bomb to an enemy Hero also drops another one at their feet that deals 50% damage and explodes slightly earlier.
Blink [Q ]
Charge Cooldown: 9 secondsDash towards an area.
Stores up to 3 charges. -
Melee [W ]
Cooldown: 8 secondsDeal 229 damage to a nearby enemy, prioritizing Heroes. Gain 5% Pulse Bomb charge when using Melee against an enemy, and 10% against Heroes. -
Recall [E ]
Cooldown: 30 secondsTracer returns to the position she was at 3 seconds ago, refilling her ammo, and removing all negative status effects from herself. -
Pulse Bomb [R ]
Fire a short range bomb that can attach to an enemy if it hits them. The bomb explodes after 2 seconds dealing 382 damage to them and 191 damage to other nearby enemies.
This Ability is slowly charged over time by dealing damage to enemies with Basic Attacks and Melee. -
Reload [D ]
Tracer can Basic Attack while moving, and after attacking 10 times she needs to reload over 0.75 seconds. Tracer can manually reload early by activating Reload. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer"), is both an adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. With the ability to alter her own time at will, she fights the good fight wherever she goes--even the Nexus. Don't worry, loves. The cavalry's finally here.
Tracer is FREE to purchasers of Overwatch™: Origins Edition

Neon Green Tracer
Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer"), is both an adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. With the ability to alter her own time at will, she fights the good fight wherever she goes--even the Nexus. Don't worry, loves. The cavalry's finally here.
Tracer is FREE to purchasers of Overwatch™: Origins Edition

Royal Blue Tracer
Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer"), is both an adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. With the ability to alter her own time at will, she fights the good fight wherever she goes--even the Nexus. Don't worry, loves. The cavalry's finally here.
Tracer is FREE to purchasers of Overwatch™: Origins Edition

Throwback Tracer
Lena Oxton (call sign: "Tracer"), is both an adventurer and an irrepressible force for good. With the ability to alter her own time at will, she fights the good fight wherever she goes--even the Nexus. Don't worry, loves. The cavalry's finally here.
Tracer is FREE to purchasers of Overwatch™: Origins Edition

Spectre Tracer
While terrazine exposure greatly enhances psionic powers, Tracer's ability to manipulate her own space-time is considered a unique gift even among her fellow Spectres.

Amber Spectre Tracer
While terrazine exposure greatly enhances psionic powers, Tracer's ability to manipulate her own space-time is considered a unique gift even among her fellow Spectres.

Cryo Spectre Tracer
While terrazine exposure greatly enhances psionic powers, Tracer's ability to manipulate her own space-time is considered a unique gift even among her fellow Spectres.

Neon Spectre Tracer
While terrazine exposure greatly enhances psionic powers, Tracer's ability to manipulate her own space-time is considered a unique gift even among her fellow Spectres.

Ghost Tracer
Most who undergo training at the Ghost Academy come out of it with a grim outlook on life. The fact that Tracer didn’t is a testament to her mental and emotional fortitude.

Amber Ghost Tracer
Most who undergo training at the Ghost Academy come out of it with a grim outlook on life. The fact that Tracer didn’t is a testament to her mental and emotional fortitude.

Slip 'N Stream Tracer
Cheers, love! The party's here!

Azure Slip 'N Stream Tracer
Cheers, love! The party's here!

Heatwave Slip 'N Stream Tracer
Cheers, love! The party's here!

Hyper Slip 'N Stream Tracer
Cheers, love! The party's here!

Verdant Slip 'N Stream Tracer
Cheers, love! The party's here!

Turbo Tracer
Tracer's teleporting fighter, the Slipstream, disappeared during its initial test flight. The unexpected discovery of its engine within the Nexus has allowed her to significantly bolster her weaponry.

Hot Rod Turbo Tracer
Tracer's teleporting fighter, the Slipstream, disappeared during its initial test flight. The unexpected discovery of its engine within the Nexus has allowed her to significantly bolster her weaponry.

Hyper Turbo Tracer
Tracer's teleporting fighter, the Slipstream, disappeared during its initial test flight. The unexpected discovery of its engine within the Nexus has allowed her to significantly bolster her weaponry.

Slipstream Turbo Tracer
Tracer's teleporting fighter, the Slipstream, disappeared during its initial test flight. The unexpected discovery of its engine within the Nexus has allowed her to significantly bolster her weaponry.

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