Hero Info
Sgt. Hammer
Siege Tank Operator

Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.

Sgt. Hammer
Siege Tank Operator
Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.
Spider Mines [Q ]
Mana: 45Cooldown: 14 secondsCreate 3 mines that arm after 1.25 seconds. Mines detonate when an enemy comes in range, dealing 100 damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by 25% for 1.5 seconds.
Siege Mode: Cast range increased by 100%. -
Concussive Blast [W ]
Mana: 60Cooldown: 12 secondsDeal 147 damage to enemies in front of Sgt. Hammer and knock them back.
Siege Mode: Radius increased by 50%. -
Neosteel Plating [E ]
Mana: 30Cooldown: 12 secondsGain 25 Armor for 2 seconds.
Siege Mode: Grants 100% more Armor. -
Blunt Force Gun [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 70 secondsFire a missile across the battlefield, dealing 515 damage to non-Structure enemies in its path. -
Napalm Strike [R ]
Mana: 35Cooldown: 6 secondsDeals 171 damage on impact, and leaves a napalm area that deals 52 damage per second. Lasts for 4 seconds. -
Siege Mode [D ]
Activate to enter Siege Mode. While in Siege Mode, Basic Attacks deal 20% more damage, have 100% increased range, and deal 25% of their damage as splash damage around the target.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
1789 | 3.7253 | 500 | 3 | 146 | 5.5 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Gain Stealth when entering Siege Mode or after not taking or dealing damage for 3 seconds while in Siege Mode. Basic Attacks while Stealthed deal 100% more damage.
Remaining stationary for at least 1.5 seconds while Stealthed grants Invisible. -
Increase Siege Mode's splash damage to 50% of Basic Attack damage, and increase its splash radius by 25%.
Activate to increase Basic Attack damage dealt by 35% for 5 seconds. Hitting Structures with Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode reduces the cooldown of Maelstrom Rounds by 5 seconds.
Stores up to 3 charges.
Moving while Thrusters is active leaves a trail of up to 5 Spider Mines. Additionally, increase the Slow of Spider Mines by 15%.
While in Siege Mode, Concussive Blasts's damage and knockback distance are increased by 75%.
While in Siege Mode, hitting Heroes with Basic Attacks reduces the cooldown of Thrusters by 5 seconds.
Neosteel Plating grants 5% maximum Health as a Shield for 2 seconds. If this Shield is destroyed, Basic Attack damage is increased by 50% for 5 seconds.
Attacking a Hero that is slowed, rooted, or stunned increases your Basic Attack damage by 30% for 3 seconds.
Basic Attacks against enemy Heroes deal bonus damage equal to 1.5% of the Hero's maximum Health.
Blunt Force Gun's missile orbits the planet every 5 seconds. Only the last missile fired orbits.
Napalm Strike's range is increased by 75% and its impact does 50% more damage.
Upon detonating, Spider Mines reduce the armor of enemy Heroes hit by 10 for 4 seconds.
Hitting enemy Heroes with Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode grants 5% Attack Speed for 5 seconds, up to 40%.
Spider Mines [Q ]
Mana: 45Cooldown: 14 secondsCreate 3 mines that arm after 1.25 seconds. Mines detonate when an enemy comes in range, dealing 100 damage to nearby enemies and Slowing them by 25% for 1.5 seconds.
Siege Mode: Cast range increased by 100%. -
Concussive Blast [W ]
Mana: 60Cooldown: 12 secondsDeal 147 damage to enemies in front of Sgt. Hammer and knock them back.
Siege Mode: Radius increased by 50%. -
Neosteel Plating [E ]
Mana: 30Cooldown: 12 secondsGain 25 Armor for 2 seconds.
Siege Mode: Grants 100% more Armor. -
Blunt Force Gun [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 70 secondsFire a missile across the battlefield, dealing 515 damage to non-Structure enemies in its path. -
Napalm Strike [R ]
Mana: 35Cooldown: 6 secondsDeals 171 damage on impact, and leaves a napalm area that deals 52 damage per second. Lasts for 4 seconds. -
Siege Mode [D ]
Activate to enter Siege Mode. While in Siege Mode, Basic Attacks deal 20% more damage, have 100% increased range, and deal 25% of their damage as splash damage around the target. -
Thrusters [Z ]
Cooldown: 30 secondsIncrease Movement Speed by 60% for 4 seconds. Thrusters are always active while at the Altar. Activating Thrusters cancels Siege Mode. -
Maelstrom Rounds
Cooldown: 5 secondsCharge Cooldown: 90 secondsActivate to increase Basic Attack damage dealt by 35% for 5 seconds. Hitting Structures with Basic Attacks while in Siege Mode reduces the cooldown of Maelstrom Rounds by 5 seconds.
Stores up to 3 charges. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
Sgt. Hammer
Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.

Raider Sgt. Hammer
Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.

Umojan Sgt. Hammer
Sergeant Bama "the Hammer" Kowalski has served some of the toughest tours around the Koprulu sector. The roar of her siege tank's shock cannon strikes fear right into the heart of the toughest of warriors... including some of her allies.

War World Sgt. Hammer
The battle has raged across War World III for years. No one remembers who fired the first shot, but Sgt. Bama the Hammer is fully confident she'll be the one firing the last.

Camo War World Sgt. Hammer
The battle has raged across War World III for years. No one remembers who fired the first shot, but Sgt. Bama the Hammer is fully confident she'll be the one firing the last.

Tech War World Sgt. Hammer
The battle has raged across War World III for years. No one remembers who fired the first shot, but Sgt. Bama the Hammer is fully confident she'll be the one firing the last.

Sgt. Doomhammer
The Iron Demolisher is the pride of the orcish war machine. Sgt. Grimina Doomhammer was given the honor of piloting it in recognition of her years of service in the Arathi Basin battlefield.

Fel Sgt. Doomhammer
The Iron Demolisher is the pride of the orcish war machine. Sgt. Grimina Doomhammer was given the honor of piloting it in recognition of her years of service in the Arathi Basin battlefield.

Shadow Sgt. Doomhammer
The Iron Demolisher is the pride of the orcish war machine. Sgt. Grimina Doomhammer was given the honor of piloting it in recognition of her years of service in the Arathi Basin battlefield.

Neon War World Sgt. Hammer
The battle has raged across War World III for years. No one remembers who fired the first shot, but Sgt. Bama the Hammer is fully confident she'll be the one firing the last.

Master Sgt. Hammer
With as many kills as she'd racked up on the battlegrounds of the Nexus, Sgt. Hammer deserved her promotion to Master Sergeant... even if she promoted herself.

Moebius Master Sgt. Hammer
With as many kills as she'd racked up on the battlegrounds of the Nexus, Sgt. Hammer deserved her promotion to Master Sergeant... even if she promoted herself.

Renegade Master Sgt. Hammer
With as many kills as she'd racked up on the battlegrounds of the Nexus, Sgt. Hammer deserved her promotion to Master Sergeant... even if she promoted herself.

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