Hero Info
Curious Probe

Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.

Curious Probe
Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.
Disruption Pulse [Q ]
Mana: 75Fire a burst of energy forward, dealing 149 damage to all enemies it passes through.
Hitting the center of a Warp Rift will cause it to explode, dealing additional damage. -
Warp Rift [W ]
Mana: 150Charge Cooldown: 6 secondsOpen an unstable Warp Rift at a location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm, which then slows nearby enemies by 25% lasting 9 seconds.
Armed Warp Rifts explode when hit by Disruption Pulse, dealing 274 damage to nearby enemies.
Stores up to 2 charges. -
Photon Cannon [E ]
Cooldown: 15 secondsWarp in a Photon Cannon that deals 109 damage per second. Lasts for 13 seconds.
Must be placed within a Pylon's Power Field. Deactivates if it doesn't have a Pylon powering it. -
Pylon Overcharge [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 80 secondsIncrease the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemies within it for 100 damage per second. Lasts 10 seconds. -
Null Gate [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 30 secondsVector TargetingProject a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 71 damage per second and are slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it. -
Warp In Pylon [D ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsWarp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius only regenerates mana while inside a Power Field.
Up to 2 Pylons can be active at a time.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
1311 | 2.73 | 600 | 0 | 35 | 3 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Disruption Pulse now returns to Probius 1.25 seconds after reaching its target, dealing 75% damage on the return trip.
Quest: Hit Heroes with Warp Rift explosions.
Reward: After hitting 10 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, increase the explosion damage by 100.
Reward: After hitting 20 Heroes with Warp Rift explosions, Warp Rift gains 1 additional charge.
Quest: Enemy Heroes and Minions drop Minerals when killed. Collect them to increase the Health of Photon Cannons by 8, up to 560.
Reward: After collecting 70 Minerals, Photon Cannons deal 35% more damage, can see over obstacles, and reveal nearby Cloaked units.
While a Photon Cannon is alive and powered, Probius gains 30 Spell Armor.
Worker Rush grants an additional 10% passive Movement Speed while in a Power Field, and its cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds.
Probius gains permanent Shields equal to 10% of his max Health. Shields regenerate quickly as long as he hasn't taken damage recently.
Increase the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemies within it for 100 damage per second. Lasts 10 seconds.
Vector TargetingProject a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 71 damage per second and are slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it.
Enemies continue to be slowed for 3 seconds after their last contact with a Warp Rift.
Enemies are slowed more the closer they are to the center of the Warp Rift, up to a maximum slow of 60%.
Enemies hit by a Warp Rift explosion are knocked away from the center.
Enemy Heroes hit by Warp Rift detonations have their Spell Power reduced by 35% for 5 seconds.
Probius can now have up to 3 active Pylons, and increase the damage of Pylon Overcharge by 25%.
Null Gate lasts indefinitely if either end is within a Power Field.
Only one Null Gate may be active at a time. -
Hitting a Warp Rift with Disruption Pulse causes 4 additional pulses that deal 50% damage to be fired from the impact location in different directions.Additional Pulses do not benefit from Echo Pulse or Particle Accelerator.
Whenever a Rift explosion hits 1 or more enemy Heroes, create a new Warp Rift in the same location.
Disruption Pulse [Q ]
Mana: 75Fire a burst of energy forward, dealing 149 damage to all enemies it passes through.
Hitting the center of a Warp Rift will cause it to explode, dealing additional damage. -
Warp Rift [W ]
Mana: 150Charge Cooldown: 6 secondsOpen an unstable Warp Rift at a location that takes 1.25 seconds to arm, which then slows nearby enemies by 25% lasting 9 seconds.
Armed Warp Rifts explode when hit by Disruption Pulse, dealing 274 damage to nearby enemies.
Stores up to 2 charges. -
Photon Cannon [E ]
Cooldown: 15 secondsWarp in a Photon Cannon that deals 109 damage per second. Lasts for 13 seconds.
Must be placed within a Pylon's Power Field. Deactivates if it doesn't have a Pylon powering it. -
Pylon Overcharge [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 80 secondsIncrease the size of Pylon power fields and allow them to attack enemies within it for 100 damage per second. Lasts 10 seconds. -
Null Gate [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 30 secondsVector TargetingProject a barrier of negative energy in the target direction that lasts 4 seconds. Enemies who touch the barrier take 71 damage per second and are slowed by 80% for as long as they remain in contact with it. -
Warp In Pylon [D ]
Cooldown: 12 secondsWarp in a Pylon that generates a Power Field and grants vision of the surrounding area. Probius only regenerates mana while inside a Power Field.
Up to 2 Pylons can be active at a time. -
Worker Rush [Z ]
Cooldown: 30 secondsActivate to gain an additional 60% Movement Speed for 5 seconds. Taking damage ends this effect early. Worker Rush is always active while at the Altar.
Passive: Probius moves 10% faster by hovering over the ground.
Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.

Ara Tribe Probius
Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.

Nerazim Probius
Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.

Purifier Probius
Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.

Tal'darim Probius
Since his activation, Probius has always wanted to prove himself. He may be small, but he made a big difference by warping in a critical pylon during the retaking of Aiur. As the bravest of probes, Probius is eager to fulfill his purpose in the Nexus.

Terran Probius
Despite loud opposition from the SCV pilot’s union, the Dominion Engineering Corps continues its attempts to replicate the technology utilized by the protoss in their construction of probes.

Terran Probius 01
Despite loud opposition from the SCV pilot’s union, the Dominion Engineering Corps continues its attempts to replicate the technology utilized by the protoss in their construction of probes.

Terran Probius G1
Despite loud opposition from the SCV pilot’s union, the Dominion Engineering Corps continues its attempts to replicate the technology utilized by the protoss in their construction of probes.

Terran Probius Red One
Despite loud opposition from the SCV pilot’s union, the Dominion Engineering Corps continues its attempts to replicate the technology utilized by the protoss in their construction of probes.

Terran Probius X1
Despite loud opposition from the SCV pilot’s union, the Dominion Engineering Corps continues its attempts to replicate the technology utilized by the protoss in their construction of probes.

Probius Prime
Though the probe’s basic design has remained unchanged for many cycles, inventive phase-smiths are always experimenting with ways to improve its operational efficiency.

Ascendant Probius Prime
Though the probe’s basic design has remained unchanged for many cycles, inventive phase-smiths are always experimenting with ways to improve its operational efficiency.

Sargas Probius Prime
Though the probe’s basic design has remained unchanged for many cycles, inventive phase-smiths are always experimenting with ways to improve its operational efficiency.

Solarite Probius Prime
Though the probe’s basic design has remained unchanged for many cycles, inventive phase-smiths are always experimenting with ways to improve its operational efficiency.

Warpforge Probius Prime
Though the probe’s basic design has remained unchanged for many cycles, inventive phase-smiths are always experimenting with ways to improve its operational efficiency.

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