Hero Info

Malfurion Stormrage is the greatest druid on Azeroth, and a student of the demi-god Cenarius. Communing with nature and Cenarius through the Emerald dream, Malfurion protects the wilds from demonic influences.

Malfurion Stormrage is the greatest druid on Azeroth, and a student of the demi-god Cenarius. Communing with nature and Cenarius through the Emerald dream, Malfurion protects the wilds from demonic influences.
Regrowth [Q ]
Mana: 35Cooldown: 5 secondsHeal an allied Hero for 395 Health over 20 seconds. -
Moonfire [W ]
Mana: 10Deal 94 damage to enemies in an area and reveal them for 2 seconds.
Allies with an active Regrowth are healed for 135 Health for each enemy Hero hit by Moonfire. -
Entangling Roots [E ]
Mana: 75Cooldown: 14 secondsRoot enemy Heroes in an area for 1.25 seconds, and deal 122 damage over the duration. Affected area grows over 3 seconds. -
Tranquility [R ]
Mana: 80Cooldown: 80 secondsHeal nearby allied Heroes for 83 Health per second for 8 seconds. Allies affected by Regrowth within Tranquility's area gain 10 Armor. -
Twilight Dream [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 90 secondsAfter 0.5 seconds, deal 310 damage in a large area around Malfurion, Silencing enemies making them unable to use Abilities for 3 seconds. -
Innervate [D ]
Cooldown: 30 secondsGrant an allied Hero 20% of their maximum Mana over 5 seconds. While affected by Innervate, their Basic Ability cooldowns recharge 50% faster.Cannot be used on Heroes that do not use Mana.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
1586 | 3.3068 | 500 | 3 | 63 | 5.5 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Enemy Heroes Rooted by Entangling Roots receive 30% less healing from all sources for 3 seconds.
Entangling Roots grows 25% larger, and persist on the ground 25% longer.
Entangling Roots spawns a Treant that deals 65 damage per second and lasts 10 seconds.
Repeatable Quest: Hitting enemy Heroes with Entangling Roots permanently increases the Treant's Basic Attack damage by 7.
Each Hero hit by Moonfire extends the duration of currently active Regrowths by 1 second.
Increase the Root duration of Entangling Roots by 0.3 seconds. When Malfurion is Stunned, the cooldown of Entangling Roots instantly reset. This can only occur every 10 seconds.
Activate to remove all Stuns, Roots, and Slows from allies affected by Regrowth.
Each enemy Hero hit by Moonfire reduces the cooldown of Tranquility by 3 seconds. Increase Tranquility's healing by 10% per ally affected by Regrowth.
Activate to Channel for 1 second, and then instantly teleport and cast Twilight Dream at the targeted location. Cooldown is shared with Twilight Dream.
Passive: Increase Twilight Dream's Silence duration to 4 seconds. -
Regrowth instantly heals its target for 10% of their missing Health.
If Moonfire hits a Hero, its cooldown is reduced by 1 second and the next Moonfire within 6 seconds deals 20% more damage. This damage bonus stacks up to 60%.
Regrowth [Q ]
Mana: 35Cooldown: 5 secondsHeal an allied Hero for 395 Health over 20 seconds. -
Moonfire [W ]
Mana: 10Deal 94 damage to enemies in an area and reveal them for 2 seconds.
Allies with an active Regrowth are healed for 135 Health for each enemy Hero hit by Moonfire. -
Entangling Roots [E ]
Mana: 75Cooldown: 14 secondsRoot enemy Heroes in an area for 1.25 seconds, and deal 122 damage over the duration. Affected area grows over 3 seconds. -
Tranquility [R ]
Mana: 80Cooldown: 80 secondsHeal nearby allied Heroes for 83 Health per second for 8 seconds. Allies affected by Regrowth within Tranquility's area gain 10 Armor. -
Twilight Dream [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 90 secondsAfter 0.5 seconds, deal 310 damage in a large area around Malfurion, Silencing enemies making them unable to use Abilities for 3 seconds. -
Innervate [D ]
Cooldown: 30 secondsGrant an allied Hero 20% of their maximum Mana over 5 seconds. While affected by Innervate, their Basic Ability cooldowns recharge 50% faster.Cannot be used on Heroes that do not use Mana. -
Nature's Cure
Cooldown: 45 secondsActivate to remove all Stuns, Roots, and Slows from allies affected by Regrowth. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
- Basic
- Basic
- Basic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
Malfurion Stormrage is the greatest druid on Azeroth, and a student of the demi-god Cenarius. Communing with nature and Cenarius through the Emerald dream, Malfurion protects the wilds from demonic influences.

Raven Malfurion
Malfurion Stormrage is the greatest druid on Azeroth, and a student of the demi-god Cenarius. Communing with nature and Cenarius through the Emerald dream, Malfurion protects the wilds from demonic influences.

Tundra Malfurion
Malfurion Stormrage is the greatest druid on Azeroth, and a student of the demi-god Cenarius. Communing with nature and Cenarius through the Emerald dream, Malfurion protects the wilds from demonic influences.

Betrayer Malfurion
Sargeras's whispers of power were impossible for the broken Malfurion to resist. She had called him "Betrayer"... Soon, they would all call him Master.

Satyr Betrayer Malfurion
Sargeras's whispers of power were impossible for the broken Malfurion to resist. She had called him "Betrayer"... Soon, they would all call him Master.

Wild Betrayer Malfurion
Sargeras's whispers of power were impossible for the broken Malfurion to resist. She had called him "Betrayer"... Soon, they would all call him Master.

Druid of the Flame Malfurion
Majordomo Stormrage felt the change instantly. Though only a small spark, it was enough to signify his incantations had finally broken through. When the Firelord arrived, the Nexus would burn.

Exiled Druid of the Flame Malfurion
Majordomo Stormrage felt the change instantly. Though only a small spark, it was enough to signify his incantations had finally broken through. When the Firelord arrived, the Nexus would burn.

Fel Druid of the Flame Malfurion
Majordomo Stormrage felt the change instantly. Though only a small spark, it was enough to signify his incantations had finally broken through. When the Firelord arrived, the Nexus would burn.

Molten Druid of the Flame Malfurion
Majordomo Stormrage felt the change instantly. Though only a small spark, it was enough to signify his incantations had finally broken through. When the Firelord arrived, the Nexus would burn.

Greatfather Winter Malfurion
With little else to do once the creatures of the wild begin their long hibernation, Malfurion has taken to celebrating the Feast of Winter Veil as the jolliest shan'do of all.

Coal Greatfather Winter Malfurion
With little else to do once the creatures of the wild begin their long hibernation, Malfurion has taken to celebrating the Feast of Winter Veil as the jolliest shan'do of all.

Icy Greatfather Winter Malfurion
With little else to do once the creatures of the wild begin their long hibernation, Malfurion has taken to celebrating the Feast of Winter Veil as the jolliest shan'do of all.

Naughty Greatfather Winter Malfurion
With little else to do once the creatures of the wild begin their long hibernation, Malfurion has taken to celebrating the Feast of Winter Veil as the jolliest shan'do of all.

Rosy Greatfather Winter Malfurion
With little else to do once the creatures of the wild begin their long hibernation, Malfurion has taken to celebrating the Feast of Winter Veil as the jolliest shan'do of all.

Waywatcher Malfurion
Malorne the Waywatcher's power transcends death itself. Those who dedicate their lives to fighting for nature carry on his great work.

Dream Waywatcher Malfurion
Malorne the Waywatcher's power transcends death itself. Those who dedicate their lives to fighting for nature carry on his great work.

Nightmare Waywatcher Malfurion
Malorne the Waywatcher's power transcends death itself. Those who dedicate their lives to fighting for nature carry on his great work.

Storm Mantle Malfurion
Although Broll Bearmantle had saved the Archdruid's life, it had cost him his own. Even now, Malfurion wears his armor to remind himself of the sacrifices that saved Hyjal.

Autumn Storm Mantle Malfurion
Although Broll Bearmantle had saved the Archdruid's life, it had cost him his own. Even now, Malfurion wears his armor to remind himself of the sacrifices that saved Hyjal.

Ice Storm Mantle Malfurion
Although Broll Bearmantle had saved the Archdruid's life, it had cost him his own. Even now, Malfurion wears his armor to remind himself of the sacrifices that saved Hyjal.

Shadow Storm Mantle Malfurion
Although Broll Bearmantle had saved the Archdruid's life, it had cost him his own. Even now, Malfurion wears his armor to remind himself of the sacrifices that saved Hyjal.

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