Hero Info
Freedom Fighting DJ

From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King's Row, Lúcio's beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right.

Freedom Fighting DJ
From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King's Row, Lúcio's beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right.
Soundwave [Q ]
Mana: 30Cooldown: 7 secondsDeal 109 damage to enemies in an area and knock them back. -
Crossfade [W ]
Currently playing Healing Boost, passively healing Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes for 17 health per second.
Toggle to play Speed Boost instead. -
Amp It Up [E ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 15 secondsRaise Lúcio's Crossfade track volume for 3 seconds, amping Healing Boost to 119 health per second and Speed Boost to 45% increased Movement Speed. -
Sound Barrier [R ]
Mana: 100After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby Allied Heroes gain a 1348 point shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds. -
Reverse Amp [R ]
Mana: 55Cooldown: 45 secondsBlast Lúcio's Crossfade track at enemy Heroes for 4 seconds, causing Healing Boost to inflict 108 damage per second and Speed Boost to slow for 45%.
This ability is unaffected by Crossfade talents.
Passive: Increase Amp It Up's duration to 4 seconds. -
Wall Ride
When moving alongside impassable battleground terrain and Structures, Lúcio can walk through other units and his Movement Speed is increased by 20%.
This works together with other Movement Speed bonuses.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
1500 | 3.12 | 500 | 3 | 24 | 5.5 | 0 | 4.3984 |
Increase the base Movement Speed bonus of Crossfade's Speed Boost to 20%.
Quest:Kill 5 enemy Heroes while Crossfade's Speed Boost is active.
Reward: Permanently increase the Amp It Up bonus for Crossfade's Speed Boost to 60%.
Wall Ride's Movement Speed bonus gradually increases to 40% over 4 seconds while Lúcio maintains its effect.
Passing through or near an enemy Hero during Wall Ride's effect increases its Movement Speed bonus to 70% for 1 second.
Quest:Play Lúcio's Crossfade tracks to nearby Allies for a total of 8 minutes. Multiple Allies provide additional time.
Reward: Permanently increase Crossfade's range by 20%.
If at least 2 Allied Heroes are nearby when Amp It Up is cast, Crossfade's radius is increased by 50% for the duration.
Place a boombox that plays Lúcio's active Crossfade track for 30 seconds. Its volume adjusts with Amp It Up.
Crossfade tracks do not stack.
After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby Allied Heroes gain a 1348 point shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds.
Blast Lúcio's Crossfade track at enemy Heroes for 4 seconds, causing Healing Boost to inflict 108 damage per second and Speed Boost to slow for 45%.
This ability is unaffected by Crossfade talents.
Passive: Increase Amp It Up's duration to 4 seconds.
After switching Crossfade tracks, if the next song plays for at least 2 seconds, Lúcio gains a 104 point Shield that lasts indefinitely.
Switching tracks again removes the Shield. -
While Wall Ride's Movement Speed bonus is active, Lúcio is immune to all enemy Slow and Root effects.
Gain 25 Armor while Wall Ride's Movement Speed bonus is active, reducing damage taken by 25%.
Heal for 255 upon entering a Stun, Silence, or Time Stop effect. This cannot happen more than once every 10 seconds.
While Amp It Up is active, Crossfade's Healing Boost heals for an additional 2.5% of the target's maximum health each second.
If at least 2 Allied Heroes are nearby when Amp It Up is cast, Crossfade's Healing Boost is increased by 45% for the duration.
Amp It Up's mana cost is reduced from 100 to 80 and dealing Basic Attack damage to enemy Heroes also reduces the cooldown of Amp It Up by 0.45 seconds.
Reduce the cooldown of Sound Barrier to 30 seconds, but the shield now decays over 4 seconds.
While Reverse Amp is affecting at least 2 enemy Heroes, its duration lasts indefinitely.
Swapping Crossfade tracks while Amp It Up is active will set Amp It Up back to its max duration.
Can only happen once per cast. -
The initial cast of Amp It Up removes all Stun, Slow, and Root effects from Allies, and also removes Slow and Root effects on Lúcio.
Soundwave [Q ]
Mana: 30Cooldown: 7 secondsDeal 109 damage to enemies in an area and knock them back. -
Crossfade [W ]
Currently playing Healing Boost, passively healing Lúcio and nearby allied Heroes for 17 health per second.
Toggle to play Speed Boost instead. -
Amp It Up [E ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 15 secondsRaise Lúcio's Crossfade track volume for 3 seconds, amping Healing Boost to 119 health per second and Speed Boost to 45% increased Movement Speed. -
Sound Barrier [R ]
Mana: 100After 1 second, Lúcio and nearby Allied Heroes gain a 1348 point shield that rapidly decays over 6 seconds. -
Reverse Amp [R ]
Mana: 55Cooldown: 45 secondsBlast Lúcio's Crossfade track at enemy Heroes for 4 seconds, causing Healing Boost to inflict 108 damage per second and Speed Boost to slow for 45%.
This ability is unaffected by Crossfade talents.
Passive: Increase Amp It Up's duration to 4 seconds. -
Wall Ride
When moving alongside impassable battleground terrain and Structures, Lúcio can walk through other units and his Movement Speed is increased by 20%.
This works together with other Movement Speed bonuses. -
Skate Mode [Z ]
Lúcio can shoot while moving. Lúcio skates or dies!
Cooldown: 20 secondsPlace a boombox that plays Lúcio's active Crossfade track for 30 seconds. Its volume adjusts with Amp It Up.
Crossfade tracks do not stack.
From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King's Row, Lúcio's beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right.

Auditiva Lúcio
From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King's Row, Lúcio's beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right.

Showtime Lúcio
From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King's Row, Lúcio's beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right.

Vermelho Lúcio
From the streets of Rio to the clubs on King's Row, Lúcio's beats bring the party to life, and drive the people to action. Now he's on tour in the Nexus, ready to break it down, and to continue fighting for what's right.

Soundblast Lúcio
Vishkar's sonic technology was a good starting point, but the pursuit of perfection in sound quality demands keeping up to date with the latest in audio equipment.

Amber Soundblast Lúcio
Vishkar's sonic technology was a good starting point, but the pursuit of perfection in sound quality demands keeping up to date with the latest in audio equipment.

Azure Soundblast Lúcio
Vishkar's sonic technology was a good starting point, but the pursuit of perfection in sound quality demands keeping up to date with the latest in audio equipment.

Crimson Soundblast Lúcio
Vishkar's sonic technology was a good starting point, but the pursuit of perfection in sound quality demands keeping up to date with the latest in audio equipment.

Ribbit Lúcio
Hip. Hop.

Chrome Ribbit Lúcio
Hip. Hop.

Hippityhop Ribbit Lúcio
Hip. Hop.

Prime Ribbit Lúcio
Hip. Hop.

Rosa Ribbit Lúcio
Hip. Hop.

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