Hero Info
Rock God

The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the most elite tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth. Don't bother putting on socks. He's just going to rock them off anyways.

Rock God
The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the most elite tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth. Don't bother putting on socks. He's just going to rock them off anyways.
Powerslide [Q ]
Mana: 60Cooldown: 12 secondsSlide to a location dealing 95 damage and stunning enemies hit for 1.25 second. -
Face Melt [W ]
Mana: 50Cooldown: 10 secondsDeals 71 damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back. -
Guitar Solo [E ]
Mana: 40Cooldown: 8 secondsRegenerate 69 Health per second for 4 seconds. -
Mosh Pit [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 120 secondsAfter 0.75 seconds, channel to stun nearby enemies for 4 seconds. -
Stage Dive [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 75 secondsLeap to target location, landing after 2.75 seconds, dealing 343 damage to enemies in the area, and slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds. -
After E.T.C. uses a Basic or Heroic ability, he gains 20 Armor for 2 seconds. This effect does not stack with itself.
1 Level
Life | Life Regen |
Mana | Mana Range |
Attack Damage |
Attack Range |
Attacks PerSecond |
Speed |
2268 | 4.7247 | 500 | 3 | 103 | 1.5 | 0 | 4.3984 |
While Guitar Solo is active, E.T.C. heals for 50% of his damage dealt by Basic Attacks.
Quest:Gathering a Regeneration Globe permanently increases the healing per second of Guitar Solo by 5, to a maximum of 100
Reward: After gathering 20 Regeneration Globes, Guitar Solo also heals nearby allied Heroes for 52 Health every second while it is active.
Using a Basic or Heroic ability also gives nearby allied Heroes a stack of Block, granting 50 Physical Armor against the next Hero Basic Attack for 8 seconds, reducing the damage taken by 50%. Maximum 2 stacks of Block.
Face Melt does 300% more damage to enemies recently affected by Powerslide.
Using a Basic or Heroic Ability releases two pulses of 16 damage. This deals 250% bonus damage to Minions, Mercenaries, and Monsters. The first occurs instantly, the second occurs 2 seconds later.
After using an Ability, E.T.C.'s next 2 Basic Attacks deal 35% more damage.
After using Powerslide, gain 15 Armor for 4 seconds, reducing all damage taken by 15%.
E.T.C.'s Basic Attacks reduce the cooldown of Guitar Solo by 0.75 seconds.
Activate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.
Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds.
Mosh Pit refreshes the cooldown of Powerslide. E.T.C. can Powerslide during Mosh Pit, which also increases its duration by 2 seconds.
Stage Dive's impact area is 50% bigger, and its cooldown is reduced by 10 seconds for every enemy Hero hit.
Upon dying, a ghost uses Mosh Pit at E.T.C's location.
Activate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 20% of their max Health for 3 seconds.
Activate to teleport to a nearby location.
Powerslide [Q ]
Mana: 60Cooldown: 12 secondsSlide to a location dealing 95 damage and stunning enemies hit for 1.25 second. -
Face Melt [W ]
Mana: 50Cooldown: 10 secondsDeals 71 damage to nearby enemies, knocking them back. -
Guitar Solo [E ]
Mana: 40Cooldown: 8 secondsRegenerate 69 Health per second for 4 seconds. -
Mosh Pit [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 120 secondsAfter 0.75 seconds, channel to stun nearby enemies for 4 seconds. -
Stage Dive [R ]
Mana: 100Cooldown: 75 secondsLeap to target location, landing after 2.75 seconds, dealing 343 damage to enemies in the area, and slowing them by 50% for 3 seconds. -
After E.T.C. uses a Basic or Heroic ability, he gains 20 Armor for 2 seconds. This effect does not stack with itself. -
Imposing Presence
Cooldown: 20 secondsActivate to slow the Attack Speed by 50% and Movement Speed by 20% of nearby Heroes and Summons for 2.5 seconds.
Passive: Heroes and Summons that attack your Hero have their Attack Speed slowed by 20% for 2.5 seconds. -
Storm Shield
Cooldown: 45 secondsActivate to give all nearby allied Heroes a Shield for 20% of their max Health for 3 seconds. -
Bolt of the Storm
Cooldown: 70 secondsActivate to teleport to a nearby location. -
Normal Attack [A ]
Attacks using the Hero's weapon
- Basic
- Basic
- Basic
- Basic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Epic
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
- Rare
The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the most elite tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth. Don't bother putting on socks. He's just going to rock them off anyways.

Dark E.T.C.
The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the most elite tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth. Don't bother putting on socks. He's just going to rock them off anyways.

Fel E.T.C.
The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the most elite tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth. Don't bother putting on socks. He's just going to rock them off anyways.

Light E.T.C.
The Power of the Horde incarnated by brutal rhythms and blistering guitar riffs into the most elite tauren chieftain to ever headbang across the surface of Azeroth. Don't bother putting on socks. He's just going to rock them off anyways.

Pure Country E.T.C.
After E.T.C's pickup truck broke down and his dog died there was really only one thing left for him to do-- go country! Time to bring a whole new meaning to cowboy.

Checked Pure Country E.T.C.
After E.T.C's pickup truck broke down and his dog died there was really only one thing left for him to do-- go country! Time to bring a whole new meaning to cowboy.

Striped Pure Country E.T.C.
After E.T.C's pickup truck broke down and his dog died there was really only one thing left for him to do-- go country! Time to bring a whole new meaning to cowboy.

L800 E.T.C
Even in the far flung future of 2504, Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain is still "terran up the night."

Angelic L800 E.T.C.
Even in the far flung future of 2504, Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain is still "terran up the night."

Doombringer L800 E.T.C.
Even in the far flung future of 2504, Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain is still "terran up the night."

Horde L800 E.T.C.
Even in the far flung future of 2504, Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain is still "terran up the night."

Shock L800 E.T.C.
Even in the far flung future of 2504, Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain is still "terran up the night."

Spectre L800 E.T.C.
Even in the far flung future of 2504, Level 800 Elite Tauren Chieftain is still "terran up the night."

El Mariachi E.T.C.
This mysterious wandering mariachi holds no allegience other than to his music. Rudos and técnicos alike have learned to fear the beautiful sound of guitar wafting in the air... if only because of the pain that follows in its wake.

Festival Mariachi E.T.C.
This mysterious wandering mariachi holds no allegience other than to his music. Rudos and técnicos alike have learned to fear the beautiful sound of guitar wafting in the air... if only because of the pain that follows in its wake.

Underworld Mariachi E.T.C.
This mysterious wandering mariachi holds no allegience other than to his music. Rudos and técnicos alike have learned to fear the beautiful sound of guitar wafting in the air... if only because of the pain that follows in its wake.

Black Metal E.T.C.
Some bands paint their faces and play death metal. E.T.C. however, IS death metal.

Furious Black Metal E.T.C.
Some bands paint their faces and play death metal. E.T.C. however, IS death metal.

Gold & Black Metal E.T.C.
Some bands paint their faces and play death metal. E.T.C. however, IS death metal.

Glam Metal E.T.C.
The Elite Tauren Chieftan has been rocking the world for a long time, man. He's seen fashions come and fashions go, but neon pants and feathered hair? Those are forever.

Azure Glam Metal E.T.C.
The Elite Tauren Chieftan has been rocking the world for a long time, man. He's seen fashions come and fashions go, but neon pants and feathered hair? Those are forever.

Leopard Glam Metal E.T.C.
The Elite Tauren Chieftan has been rocking the world for a long time, man. He's seen fashions come and fashions go, but neon pants and feathered hair? Those are forever.

New Glam Metal E.T.C.
The Elite Tauren Chieftan has been rocking the world for a long time, man. He's seen fashions come and fashions go, but neon pants and feathered hair? Those are forever.

Platinum Glam Metal E.T.C.
The Elite Tauren Chieftan has been rocking the world for a long time, man. He's seen fashions come and fashions go, but neon pants and feathered hair? Those are forever.

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